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Hello, there my name is Miranda. And if you don't know what y/n means it means your name. And this is my first fanfic so I hope you enjoy it.

By the way, many of these things can be based on me IRL like I have a bad memory and insomnia, so you will be able to get to know me, I guess. I mean bad memory because sometimes I can't remember what I did a day ago or a week ago. But I remember things like names and people I'm really close to, like family, friends, etc. I just realized I'm like ranboo but I'm a bit different and younger than him.

You are 16 in this story

your pronouns are she/her  they/them

Your favorite colors are black and white

You love to cuddle

You're best friends/siblings are Ranboo, Nikki, and Dream. Ranboo is your sibling but your guys are like best friends also. You have known Niki for longer than you can remember. And Dream is your step-brother

Ranboo is 17 

He can be protective over you sometimes so watch out

He is your older brother by a year

He is like a best friend to you

   (IDK her real age search it up if you wanna know so badly)

Niki is 25

She is like a sister to you.

She has been your best friend for most of your life. 

And you guys do everything together and know everything about each other.

Niki was the only one that knew how to make you fall asleep so you guys would cuddle sometimes because she knows you like cuddles

Dream is 23
Dream is your stepbrother
Dream, you, and Ranboo were so close when you guys were younger.
Dream was always the one to protect you and Ranboo from mobs when you were younger.

There aren't really ships in this part but if you want you can make ships just don't do Ranboo ships, please. He doesn't like it and he's your sibling in this so it would be weird.

(Words used 354)

Hope you guys enjoy it!

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