chapter 3: shameless

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At home, Sukuna was sitting on the couch watching television, while Yuuji was doing homework on the kitchen table.

Sukuna was flipping through channels. "I caught you staring at that new kid today. Are you interested in him?" He asked.

"I don't know, we haven't even talked yet." Yuuji put down his pencil. "I don't just pick who I like based off of looks. Unlike you."

"You're just saying that because you've got no chance, since you're ugly as fuck." He sneered.

Yuuji looked at him incredulously. "How can you call me ugly when I look just like you? Make it make sense." 

Sukuna got up from the couch and went to the kitchen. "It's your vibe. No matter how handsome your face is, you just manage to look so ugly because you're you. At least you're the winner in that! Congrats Yuuji!" He mocked him. Then he grabbed a drink from the fridge and walked upstairs. 

Yuuji just continued doing his homework. There was a part of him that was lowkey worried for the new kid, since the target of Sukuna's affections usually ended up heartbroken in the end. 

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They were sitting in class, during a study period. The teacher went to the staff room to get some papers. Then Sukuna poked Megumi's arm with the back of his pencil.

"Hey Megumi," he called out.


"You didn't even listen to what I have to say," Sukuna complained.

"I'm not interested. Especially if you're just going to keep hitting on me," he paid no mind to Sukuna and just keep doing his work.

"I'm not hitting on you. I just have a message for you. Here." He put a folded piece of paper on Megumi's desk.

Megumi unfolded it. It read:

Do you have a map? Because I keep getting lost in your eyes. 

Call me at 1-XXX-XXXX 

"Ugh," Megumi threw the paper away.

"Hey wait a second, don't throw that away." He got up from his seat to pick up the fallen paper. "I don't want some other girl to find it and start calling me. My number's exclusively for you." He winked.

Megumi ignored him and kept doing his school work. Then he reached a question he didn't know the answer to. He just looked down at his page, puzzled.

Sukuna leaned over. "Do you need help with that? I can give you a hint."

"No that's okay," Megumi refused.

"I'm smart, I can help you. In fact I'm the top student in the school at everything," He bragged.

Sukuna moved his chair closer to Megumi, then he pointed at the textbook question. "That problem's easy," He put his arm around Megumi's shoulder. Megumi looked at his hand in disgust. "You just..." then he slowly slid his hand down Megumi's back all the way to his ass.

Megumi got up abruptly. "What's wrong with you? You're the most disgusting piece of trash I've ever met! I'm not interested in you, get that through your non-existent brain." And he stormed out the classroom.

Everyone looked shocked, even Yuuji. Sukuna had never been rejected before. Megumi was probably the first one, because he usually had girls drooling over him.

But Sukuna just leaned back and whistled. "He's a challenge. I like that. It makes me want him even more."

He put his feet up on the desk. "Now I have to make him mine."

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