chapter 10: homework help

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"Okay class, I finished going over the review. The test will be on Friday. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask me. That's all. You can use the rest of the period to study." The teacher announced, and then he sat back down at his desk.

Megumi started looking through the textbook for study questions. Megumi was a good student but since he was still new and they were in the middle of the semester, there were still a lot of things he needed to catch up on. Especially since it was history, and you couldn't take as many short cuts in memorization. And then he felt something poke him in the side of his arm.

"Hey," Sukuna poked him with back of his pen. "Let's study together. I can help you Megumi." he offered.

Megumi just ignored him and kept doing his work. Then Sukuna touched Megumi's arm, and Megumi immediately retracted it back. "What's your problem? I don't want to study with you." He refused. 

"Why?" He raised an eyebrow. "Are you still made about the Autumn Formal? I gave you your roses." He mentioned.

"Yeah and you showed up late, started a fight, and left me by myself. Fuck off Sukuna," Megumi turned away from him. "I'd rather study with somebody else." Like Yuuji.

"Like who? Yuuji? He can barely keep his average up. That's why he spends so much time doing homework," he dismissed him. "My grades are way better than his. Didn't I tell you that I was the top student in school? I have a 97% average in all of my classes," he bragged.

"That sounds like a lie."

"But it's not. You can even check the board outside. I'm number 1 in the test scores. As always." He smirked.

"That doesn't matter. I still don't want your help." Megumi glared at him.

But then Sukuna placed a notebook on the corner of Megumi's desk. "You can have these notes. I have the content memorized so I don't need them. I can guarantee that with those notes, you'll ace it," he promised. "And I like you Megumi, so I wouldn't lie to you."

Megumi looked at the notes skeptically. He thought about throwing them back in Sukuna's face, but he really was tempted to use them, especially since he knew Sukuna wasn't lying about being the top student. 

"I didn't even know you took notes in class. I thought you just slept and never paid attention." Megumi said.

"I pay attention, barely, but I still do. I memorize everything the teacher says, and I memorize everything I see. I have both a photographic and echoic memory." He smiled. "That's why I don't have to try as hard as everyone else." 

Megumi couldn't help but get a little jealous. Even though Megumi was incredibly good at problem solving and logic based subjects like math and sciences, classes like history required a lot of memorization, which Megumi hated. 

Then Sukuna pointed at the notebook he gave Megumi. "In fact, I made those notes specifically for you, so that you'll do well. Think of it as my apology for the dance." 

Megumi picked up the notebook. "Then if I fail I'm blaming it on you." He flipped through the pages. It was actually well organized and the handwriting was very neat. And on top of that it was color coded, had summary sections, and priority topics were outlined. Megumi was surprised. "These are actually really good notes." He said.

"See, I told you so!" Sukuna replied. "With those notes, you'll ace it. I've got your back babe." He winked at Megumi.

Megumi rolled his eyes. But he couldn't helped but feel relieved now, knowing that he had such great study material to use.

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"So all your tests are graded now and I'll be handing them back to you. You can stay in your seat, and I'll come to your desks," the teacher announced. 

Their teacher got up and started handing them their desks, moving erratically because the names were randomized. People started either booing, sighing, or cheering, or remained neutral and studied their paper to see their mistakes. 

Then the teacher got to Sukuna. "As always, you're consistent," the teacher said simply. And he gave Sukuna his test. Sukuna just smiled, satisfied seeing the 100 circled at the top corner.

Then the teacher turned to Megumi. "I'm surprised at how well you did considering you came here late. Good job Megumi." He placed the test on Megumi's table. Megumi looked at it. 

He got a 97. One of the top grades in class.

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