chapter 22: rejection

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It was lunch time. Megumi was on the roof of the school, sitting on the ledge, when he heard footsteps coming from the staircase.

He instantly lit up, "Yuuji!" He called out. 

But the person who appeared instead was Sukuna. "Ugh," Megumi grimaced. He wasn't in the mood to see Sukuna, especially right now since Yuuji said he needed to say something important. Sukuna walked over to Megumi and sat beside him.

"So I didn't see you for the rest of the night last night. Where did you go?" He asked. "I was missing you."

Megumi got annoyed. "I left because of what you did, embarrassing me in front of all those people. This is the second time you've done this! And you promised that you wouldn't do it again!" He accused.

"Come on, babe, everyone makes mistakes," he tried justifying himself. "Besides, it was my birthday so cut me some slack. Just forgive me this time and I won't do it again. Or better yet, I won't make you go to any parties anymore."

But Megumi wasn't having it anymore. "You know what? No. Sukuna listen, I can't keep putting up with you like this anymore. I can't keep doing this."

Then they heard more footsteps coming up the staircase. That was probably Yuuji. Megumi was about to walk over to him and call out "Yuu-" But Sukuna grabbed him by the waist and cut him off with a kiss. Megumi tried pushing his chest away, but he was too strong. So he ended up kissing Sukuna on the roof, albeit unintentionally.

When he was finally able to push Sukuna away, Megumi yelled, "What was that for?" He turned around to look behind him, but no one appeared. Did Yuuji end up seeing them together like that?

Sukuna just smirked. "Come on, I know you liked it. Now let me give you one more," he said as he leaned in close once again. Which led Megumi to slap him on the cheek. 

Megumi slapped him so hard that he left a red handprint where his hand hit him. But Sukuna wasn't even fazed. Megumi ran away from him, and as he was going away, Sukuna yelled out, "Call me later!"

Megumi ran down the staircase and started searching for Yuuji. He ran through hallways and asked if anyone saw Yuuji around. He even went to Yuuji's locker. He couldn't find him. 

Megumi leaned against the wall, feeling hopeless. "I hope he didn't see us," he said out loud.

Then Megumi walked back to class. And he finally spotted Yuuji. But before he could say anything in explanation, he heard the teacher announce from inside, "Class is starting now, so you can enter the classroom!" And in the end, Megumi couldn't say anything to him for the entire day. That was probably the most horrible timing ever. 

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