chapter 26: no more battles

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It was a few years later. 

Megumi, Yuuji and Sukuna had already graduated high school, and they were off to do their own thing for post-secondary.

Sukuna left the house immediately once he became an adult, and he went off to who knows where. Yuuji didn't even keep in contact with him anymore, and neither did his dad. Sukuna decided he wanted nothing to do with the both of them, and he cut the both of them off.

It was fine with Yuuji since he didn't want to keep a connection with someone who didn't even like him despite being family, but it still made him feel bad because it made their dad sad, and their dad would still love Sukuna no matter what. "Even though I don't personally want to see him, I hope he comes back one day, just so he can see you." Yuuji told his dad, who smiled at him, but there was still sadness behind his eyes.

But he heard some rumors from old classmates. Rumors that he was living in a big house, with fancy cars, and a lot of money, and that he apparently had a nice life for himself. But he went around having one-night stands in an attempt to find the one for him. Despite that, he kept telling people that the one for him was still Megumi, even though Megumi didn't answer any of his calls.

As for Yuuji and Megumi, they ended up being accepted into the same college and they rented out a shared apartment where they would be living together. 

Today was their moving in day. Yuuji hauled his suitcase and bags inside the empty apartment, and closed the door behind him. It was cheap and small, but still rather nice looking. Besides, they didn't even need that much room, since they would be sharing a bed.

"Do you like the place Megumi?" Yuuji asked. They were standing in the apartment together, observing it.

"Yeah," Megumi smiled. "It's perfect. I'm glad I'll be able to live with you from now on." He kissed Yuuji on the cheek. "I can't believe we're really sharing a bed though," he commented shyly, knowing what that implied. 

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle," Yuuji teased. Megumi nudged him, and then they both started laughing. Then Yuuji pulled Megumi into an embrace, and they kissed.

Yuuji pulled away momentarily and pressed his forehead against Megumi's. "I love you, you know that right?" He asked.

"Of course," Megumi said. "I love you too." And then he pressed his lips against Yuuji's once more, and they kissed each other as deeply as they could.

In the end, even though Yuuji was never able to beat Sukuna in sports, school, popularity, or any other field, he ended up winning Megumi's heart.

And to him, that was the greatest victory of all.

• The End •

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