chapter 19: door step

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Yuuji and Megumi were walking along the sidewalk. They had just gotten off of the bus, and were walking towards Megumi's house, because Yuuji had offered to walk Megumi home. 

They were a few feet away from Megumi's front door, when Megumi quickly turned to him and said, "Thanks, Yuuji. You can go now."

"Actually I was hoping we could talk for a bit more." Yuuji was about to say, but Megumi interrupted him. 

"No really, you should go now." He insisted, pushing Yuuji away, a little anxious, his eyes darting between Yuuji and the front door of his house. Almost like he was afraid a monster might come out. "Before he sees you-"

But before he could get Yuuji to leave, someone came bursting out the door. "Megumi, you're home!" The person exclaimed. He ran over to Megumi, and wrapped his arms around Megumi's shoulders. Megumi immediately had an annoyed expression on his face. Here we go again, Megumi thought. 

The person had white hair, and was wearing round black glasses and a long sleeved shirt. He was also very tall. His appearance was a mix of carefree and intimidating. Megumi looked exhausted the moment he came out of the house.

"Gojo-san-" Megumi was about to say, but the guy, Yuuji guessed his name was Gojo, interrupted Megumi by flicking him on the forehead. 

"Megumi, how many times have I told you not to call me 'Gojo' anymore. Just call me dad instead!" Gojo insisted.

Megumi tried brushing Gojo's hand off his shoulder but it didn't work. "I already have a dad, and it's not like he's dead so you don't have to replace him. You're just my legal guardian."

"Exactly. Legal guardian, dad, same thing. And I'm not trying to replace your other dad, I'm just your new one." Gojo said. Megumi sighed, but he didn't attempt to argue any further. 

Then Gojo turned to look at Yuuji, like he just realized he was there. "Who's this?" He asked Megumi. "Don't tell me you brought that Sukuna kid home again." He looked at Yuuji with disdain. "Man, I hate this guy. Didn't I tell you that you should break up with him and stay away from him? He's bad news." Gojo warned. 

But then on closer inspection, Gojo realized that it was, in fact, not Sukuna. His demeanor was completely different, and he had no face tattoos. "Wait, he's not Sukuna, is he? Who are you?" He asked Yuuji. 

"Um, I'm Itadori Yuuji-" he started saying, but he got interrupted once again. "Nevermind, you can just tell me inside. Let's go you two!" Gojo grabbed both Yuuji and Megumi by the arm and led them inside the house. 

As soon as Yuuji entered, he realized how big Megumi's house was. It was very modern looking and sleek, and had sort of a minimalist vibe to it, along with a square type of aesthetic. The type of house you would see in the pages of a catalogue. Actually come to think of it, he might've seen this house in a magazine before. 

Megumi and Yuuji sat down on the couch beside each other and Gojo was across from them, observing them. "So, who are you again?" He asked Yuuji.

Yuuji gulped. He wanted to make a good impression on him, especially since he was Megumi's guardian. So he bowed his head respectfully and said, "I'm Itadori Yuuji. Megumi's friend and classmate." He raised his head to look at Gojo's expression, but it was hard since he was wearing eye glasses. "You mentioned Sukuna earlier. I'm his twin brother."

"Ohh, that's why you two looked so similar!" Gojo exclaimed. "No wonder! So I'm guessing you're the better twin because your brother Sukuna is a real asshole." 

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