chapter 24: exciting news

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After cleaning duty and spending a bit of time with Megumi afterwards, Yuuji went home. He was feeling so good now that he and Megumi were officially dating. When he entered his house, he saw his dad sitting at the couch, watching television.

Yuuji's dad looked up from his newspaper to greet him, when he noticed that Yuuji had a ginormous grin on his face. "What's up son? Why do you look so happy? Did something good happen today?" He asked.

Yuuji walked over to the couch and sat beside him. "That's right," he said. "Something amazing happened today! Want me to tell you?" He asked. He felt so ecstatic about it that he just wanted to announce it to everyone. 

"Of course," his dad replied, putting the newspaper away. "Tell me all about it. What happened?"

Yuuji couldn't contain his enthusiasm. "I finally confessed to the guy that I'm in love with today, and now we're dating. I'm so happy I don't even know what to do with myself!" He exclaimed. His dad laughed at seeing how happy Yuuji was. 

He patted Yuuji on the back. "I'm happy for you Yuuji. This is the first person you've ever dated right? And I'm guessing also your first love?" He asked.

"Well, not the first person I ever dated. I dated this one girl back in middle school but it didn't work out." He looked down, remembering how that went. Then he perked up again. "Oh but you're right about the second part. My first girlfriend was really just a small crush. Megumi's my real first love," he smiled shyly, which made his dad nudge him teasingly.

"I'm so happy that you're happy Yuuji," his dad told him, but then his dad realized something. "Megumi, hmm, that name sounds familiar. You said you were dating Megumi right? But isn't that the name of Sukuna's-"

"I'm the one who's dating Megumi." Sukuna suddenly interrupted, seemingly coming out of nowhere. Yuuji and their dad didn't even notice him there. They turned around in surprise. 

"What are you talking about?" Sukuna asked Yuuji. "Have your delusions finally made you brain dead? It's a disease to mistake fantasy as reality. How can you be dating Megumi when I'm the one dating him?" He said.

"Maybe there's more than one Megumi?" Their dad chimed in.

Yuuji shook his head. "He hasn't broken up with you yet?" He asked Sukuna. Yuuji just realized that it meant that technically they were both dating Megumi at the same time. It made Yuuji jealous. He had to share quite a few things with Sukuna, but he didn't want Megumi's heart to be one of them. He want Megumi to be his and only his.

Sukuna scoffed. "Why would he break up with me? Are you an idiot?" He insulted, and it made Yuuji get more annoyed.

Just then, a notification sound went off. It's not my phone, Yuuji thought as he patted his jean pocket. Sukuna took out his phone and looked at it. It was a text from Megumi that read, 'It's not going to work out anymore. I'm breaking up with you.'

"What the fuck!?" Sukuna looked at his phone in disbelief. "Did he really just break up with me over text?" He shouted.

Yuuji couldn't help but giggle quietly to himself a little bit. He was relieved that Megumi broke up with Sukuna. Now they were really exclusive, and Yuuji could have Megumi all to himself.

"What the fuck are you laughing at?" He yelled and gave Yuuji a look of disgust, like he was the shittiest piece of garbage that ever appeared on earth. He threw his phone directly at Yuuji, with a ton of forceful anger, and it hit him right in the face. 

Yuuji got disoriented from the sheer impact of the hit. Blood started coming out of the side of his head. And now he was feeling a bit dizzy. He felt like he was going to collapse. He fell right onto his dad's shoulder, who was still sitting right beside him on the couch.

"Y-Yuuji!" His dad cried out worriedly, seeing the blood coming out of his head. "A-are you okay!?" His dad started to panic.

"I'm fine," Yuuji assured and gave a thumbs up. His head hurt like hell, but he told his dad that he was fine anyways so he wouldn't panic.

Then their dad turned to look at Sukuna. "How could you hurt your brother like that? Over relationship drama? What's wrong with you Sukuna? Apologize to your brother!" He demanded.

But Sukuna just crossed his arms, feeling no remorse. "No way. He's the one who took Megumi away from me. So he deserves it. Actually I should've done more."

Over hearing that, his dad erupted into anger. "You shitty brat. I've spoiled you for so long that now you think that you can do whatever you want. It's my fault for playing favorites because of Kaori's last words..." he shook his head. "Anyways, from now on, you're getting all your privileges completely cut off. Cell phone, laptop, everything. And you can't go outside anymore after school!" He yelled.

Yuuji looked at his dad in surprise. This was the first time he's ever seen his dad treat Sukuna this way. In fact, he's done worse things in the past but he never scolded Sukuna like this. This was a sight to behold.

It was clear that their dad had no idea how to scold children properly, because Sukuna just looked mildly unamused. "Fine then," he shrugged. "Doesn't mean anything to me. I have my own money, and my own way to take care of myself. And if you aren't letting me go out anymore then I'll just never come back to this house." He said matter-of-factly, and then he walked out the door.

"Sukuna you can't just leave like that!" His dad yelled. "Come back here!" His dad got up and left the house as well to chase after him.

Yuuji was really close to passing out now, but he had a smile on his face. Maybe I really am delusional, or maybe it's the pain making me delusional, he thought. Either way, he still felt good. Megumi broke up with Sukuna, he was now dating Megumi, and his dad finally scolded Sukuna for the first time ever. 

"I feel so good," Yuuji said, despite the throbbing pain he felt in the side of his head. "I guess I'll go to sleep." And then he passed out.

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