Chapter 4

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"You should eat another slice," Sawyer said, holding the pizza box out to me.

We were cuddling on the couch in his small apartment watching a rerun of one of his favourite sitcoms. I wasn't really a fan of them, so I had no idea what was going on. It was something about a group of geeky friends and their wacky adventures. Not my cup of tea. I'd retrieved my date book from my bag twenty minutes ago and was more focused on figuring out when I could work between classes.

I shook my head without looking up from my schedule. "I'm all good. You probably shouldn't eat so late. It's terrible for your metabolism, and your sleep." The time was pushing on midnight.

He laughed. "I don't know, I'm pretty tuckered out," he replied with his husky, suggestive voice, the one he usually used in the bedroom.

I turned to him with a raised brow. We were sitting quite close, and his arm was already resting behind me on the pillow. My movement brought us closer together. "Oh yeah, why's that?" I asked, matching his tone.

Sawyer shrugged and scanned my body with hooded eyes. "Some chick wore me out." He always looked cute after sex, with his tousled blonde hair and sleepy blue eyes. And he wore nothing but his boxers, which was always a good sight. Sawyer worked out, and while he wasn't as well-defined as a Baywatch lifeguard, you could definitely see the slight curvatures on his abdomen. He also had bagpipes tattooed on his ribs, right below his peck. It was a small nod to his Scottish heritage, and it was kind of hot. "I'll sleep like a baby."

"Some chick? You're not helping your case." I leaned forward to put my date book on the coffee table, brushing my fingers over his thigh as I did. It brought us even closer.

His arm moved from the pillow behind me to rest on my lower back. "What case is that?"

"The one where you try to get me back into bed," I giggled softly.

He was only a breath away now. "There are other ways to do that."

"Oh, yeah?" I challenged, knowing exactly where this was going.

"Yeah." He pressed his lips to mine and I felt his familiar warmth spark the mutual lust between us. Kissing Sawyer always felt good. I found comfort in his arms and it didn't take long before he leaned me back against the couch and hovered above me. In the small space we had, he settled between my legs and turned up the heat.

Unlike Sawyer, I was fully clothed. He had a roommate that liked to come in and out at all times of the night. I had no interest in him accidentally walking in while I pranced around in my bra. While I was pretty sure he was snuggled up in bed right now, I wasn't going to risk it.

My clothes didn't hinder Sawyer. He confidently reached under my knit sweater to run his warm hands up my sides and under my bra. Then he moved to unbutton my jeans.

That's when I broke the kiss. Sawyer moaned and rested his head on my shoulder. He knew what was coming. It was almost a routine at this point. "It's late," I whispered. "I have to go."

He held himself above me, resting his elbows on either side of my head, and pouted. As if that would work. "Come on, old man," I teased, reaching between us to run by hand over his boxers. "I think it's too soon for round two anyway." It had only been half an hour since round one and he needed to recharge.

Sawyer's eyes widened in offense. "Ouch."

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "It's not personal, it's biology." I pushed myself up to give him a peck on the lips in the hopes it would reassure him. Science was science and his body needed to reproduce a few substances before we went again.

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