Chapter 25

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Sascha's last minute birthday barbecue didn't look last minute at all. Her parents had set up their yard with outdoor furniture, a fire pit, and a long table of delicious food. Baba waltzed around chatting to her children and grandchildren with a bright smile and made sure they had all eaten. She'd been to our table twice already and kept piling Dale's plate with more food. It was amusing to see the strained look on his face. He was full, but he couldn't deny her, not that she would let him if he tried.

Sascha was beaming. Not because she was dolled up (excessively so for a backyard barbecue), but because she was happy. Her family and her boyfriend were getting along. She'd always been worried about her boyfriends meeting her family and she never imagined it could go this well.

After dinner, and Dale's fourth helping of apple burek, some of Sascha's family said their goodbyes, opening up opportunities for games. Some revolved around drinking, but we'd chosen cards. Bullshit to be specific.

I shivered in the chilly air. Spring was here, but the nights were still cold. Attuned my need, Justin placed his free hand on my thigh and rubbed up and down, attempting to warm me with friction. I snuggled into his side as much as the armchairs would allow. He was so warm.

"Suck it, Drummer Boy!" Emily squealed, throwing her final cards down. I was already out of the game, having been the first to put down all my cards. Justin moaned beside me and threw his own deck onto the table. He'd come last.

"This game is bullshit," he whined dramatically.

"Yes dear, that's what it's called," Sascha quipped, making everyone laugh.

Emily stood up, pushing her chair back and almost falling into the potted plant behind her. "Who wants another drink?" she asked excitedly.

"Hun, I think you need more cake to soak up what you've already had first," Sascha called, chasing after her.

A cousin sauntered over and took Sascha's vacated seat next to Dale. They immediately launched into a conversation about an up-and-coming artist they were both interested in. It was nice to see he'd bonded with her family so easily.

Justin leaned down to place a kiss on my temple. "You're cold," he stated, moving the hand on my thigh to my shoulders.

"Just a little," I shivered, leaning into him.

"Come on, let's go and sit by the fire." Standing up, he took my hand and led me over to the fire pit. There were a few people spread out in the yard, but none of them seemed interested in the fire. I recognised two girls from high school and gave them a timid smile. One gave a small wave back but the other just looked at me and requested her friend's attention.

If Justin noticed the awkward interaction, he didn't say anything. He let go of my hand to pick up another log. As he tended to the fire, I stood straight, wrapping my arms around myself. He made quick work of stoking the fire before stepping back beside me.

"Is that better," he asked, checking me over with concern.

"It's okay," I shrugged. Unless I was standing a metre away from the fire, it wouldn't do much so soon.

"Come here," he said in a low tone, pulling me to his chest. I tunnelled my hands beneath his jacket, finding a warm spot to link them around his waist. He wrapped his arms around me and look down into my eyes. "Better now?"

"Much," I smiled, snuggling in closer.

"You're still shivering."

"Just give it a minute."

Justin leant down, his warm breath tickling the skin behind me ear. "You know," he continued in a suggestive tone that sent a different kind of shiver down my spine, "I can think of a much better way to warm you up."

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