Chapter 18

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"Come inside, I'm just about to jump in the shower," Sascha commanded, hanging up the call before I could respond.

I stared down at my phone in disbelief. She was supposed to be ready. That was the deal we made last night before I bailed on her at Uni Bar.

After failing to calm myself down and then walking out of the bathroom to see the girls who'd laughed when their friend spilled their drink on me flirting with Justin, I said a few quick goodbyes and left. It was cowardly, but I didn't have the courage to deal with what happened between us at the time; I was in way over my head. 

I wasn't sure I had the courage now either, but it seemed I didn't have a choice.

I looked through my car window at Justin's terrace house. I was currently parked across the road waiting for Sascha, who spent the night with Dale. Apparently, Saturday mornings at this house were becoming a regular thing. At least I wasn't waking up in someone else's bed today.

A thought wandered through my mind. If I'd given in, or if we weren't interrupted, would I have woken up in this house? Did I want to wake up here?

I shook my head, trying to rid my mind of the procrastination. I had to face him. Maybe he wouldn't say anything. Maybe it was just a heat of the moment thing and he'd forgotten all about our almost kiss. Maybe he was still sleeping, and I wouldn't have to see him at all. Yes, that was likely. It was only 8am on a Saturday morning.

Taking a deep breath, I got out of the car, locked it, and crossed the road to the small, paved garden. I walked with feigned confidence up the short pathway and didn't hesitate when I knocked on the door.

It was only a short wait before someone opened the door. Darcy smiled when she saw me, but it seemed strained. She held her phone to her ear and was listening to whoever was on the other end.

Darcy waved me in and pointed towards the living room. I followed her direction and caught part of her conversation as she closed the door. "Em, please don't be like that."

Her tone was intriguing, but I didn't get a chance to hear anything else. As I stepped into the living room, I froze. Justin was there, and not only was he awake, but he was hanging upside down on the couch with a guitar in his hands.

He smiled when he saw me. "Morning."

"What are you doing?" I giggled, stepping further into the room. My nerves seemed to vanish when I saw him. Maybe it was the peculiar position I found him in.

Justin sat upright and placed the guitar on an armchair. "Just practising for Darcy's gig." He had to mean the gig that was the same night as the wedding.

"You play the guitar, too?" I asked in surprise. Drums and guitar? "Let me guess, you can sing as well."

He shrugged and gave a sheepish grin. "I also play the tambourine."

"Impressive," I laughed. And it really was. Of course he could play multiple instruments and sing. I shouldn't have expected anything less.

We lulled into an awkward silence, and I waited for the inevitable. Maybe I should start. Things would be on my terms, then. But what was I supposed to say?

Justin beat me to it. "Do you have time for a coffee?" he asked, standing up.

I released a heavy breath in relief. I had a few more moments to figure it out. "If Sass only just got in the shower, then sure," I smiled.

"Great," he said and walked to the kitchen. I followed and sat down on one of the stools at the counter.

I'd seen Justin make coffee before, but it was still mesmerising. Well, maybe he was just mesmerising, and his coffee-making skills were a bonus. He looked good in the morning, with his plaid pyjama pants and plain white shirt. He usually wore darker colours, and he always looked good in them, but there was something about the white that made him look... different.

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