Chapter 29

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"My name better be the only thing written in your diary today," Justin mumbled as he rolled over. He rubbed his eyes and nuzzled a little into his pillow before sliding over and snuggling in to my side.

I pressed my lips together in a smile, scrolling through my digital calendar to today's date before showing him the phone screen. "What else could I possibly be doing today?" I shook my head. He knew his name was the only thing written in my schedule.

Justin's warm hands found my waist. "I'm a who, not a what," he murmured against my ear after pulling me into his embrace. My giggles filled the room as we sank back into the sheets.

An hour later, we finally rolled out of bed. Our definitions of a lazy Saturday morning were still not on par, but the compromises over the last few weeks were slowly helping them come together. Half-past eight was a sleep-in for me but still an early wake-up call for Justin. So, while I got ready for the day, he trekked downstairs to make us coffee, mumbling dramatically about a double shot and that both mugs were for him.

I'd been staying at Justin's place more and more over the past few weeks. We'd only just decided that I should have a toothbrush here. While it felt a little strange, I liked the way it looked in the cup on the vanity, right next to his.

Keen to get the day started, I brushed my teeth and took a quick, steamy, shower.

When I emerged from the bathroom fully dressed and ready to fight for my morning coffee, it was to the sound of Justin yelling.

"Do not go in my room!"

"Why?" came a whine before the thumping of shoes on the stairs ceased.

I froze, staring widely at the bedroom door. It was slightly ajar, the voices in the foyer travelling easily through it.

"You said I could borrow your Lord of the Rings books," Claire continued, clearly annoyed.

"You can, just not right now." Justin's tone matched his sister's.

"What does it matter? You're not reading them right now are you?"

Justin continued, the strain clear in his voice. "That's not the point."

Another, deeper voice entered the conversation. "Claire, please don't argue. Go and wait in the kitchen."

There was a momentary pause before Claire finally gave in. "Fine," she moaned, obeying her father and slowly thumping back down the stairs.

I released a heavy breath, still staring at the door. Justin's father and sister were here. Did that mean Caroline was nearby as well?

"Dad, I'm sorry, I forgot about today," Justin apologised.

"Clearly. I'm sure you wouldn't be entertaining a... guest, if you'd remembered your thirteen year old sister was coming over." Michael Hart didn't sound pleased.

Unsure if I should be listening in, I sat down in Justin's computer chair, fumbling for a distraction. The easiest thing to do would be to close the door, but I couldn't. What if they noticed? Instead, I continued watching it, waiting for what came next.

"I still need you to take Claire to her ballet classes today. Carol's in Melbourne and I've got that meeting with the investors from New Zealand at ten."

"Yeah, I've got it, I'll take her," Justin agreed without hesitation.

"Thank you." There was a long pause before Mr Hart continued, the judgement clear. "I'll go and sit with your sister while you say goodbye to... your friend."

"It's not like that," Justin replied immediately, a harsh edge to his tone.

Disbelief, and perhaps a little caution, laced his father's next question. "What is it like then?"

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