Chapter 22

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The rest of my week was the worst I'd had in a while. Concentrating on school and work seemed fruitless. On Wednesday, I worked with Sawyer. Things were tense between us, and not in the usual way. I didn't know how to act around him any more. He didn't know what to say either, and I had to wonder what the future of working together would be like.

Thursday was worse. I didn't expect for things between Justin and I to return to normal, but I also couldn't predict the overwhelming disappointment that flowed through me when I didn't see him. He was a no-show at the café. There was no sign of him in the commons. And the walk to class was lonely, not the usual leisurely stroll full of smiles and banter.

Justin was upset with me and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little mad at him. His presumptions were confusing and I spent most of my time thinking over his words. I never considered myself fragile or that people tip-toed around me. That didn't even make sense. And the lapdog treat thing? That was clear. He thought I was leading him on. Sascha implied the same thing last week. I never intended to do that, but maybe I had been.

There was a knock at my door and a sliver of light brightened the room as Dad opened it. "You missed dinner. I didn't think you were here."

I sat up, running a hand through my tousled hair. "Sorry, I've just been..."

"In here hiding?" He looked pointedly at my bed where I'd flopped down over an hour ago, on top of the blankets.

"Something like that." I looked down, a little embarrassed.

Dad crossed the room and turned on my desk lamp. The soft glow didn't quite fill the room and I was grateful he didn't turn on the ceiling light. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I shrugged, fiddling with a stray thread on the hem of my sock.

Dad wandered back to the bed and sat down on the edge. I could feel one of his pep talks coming on. "Is it about Justin?"

My heart dropped. Looking up at him, I swallowed. "How did you know?" He knew about Justin, and I wasn't the one to tell him. Was it Sawyer? Or maybe Sascha? Neither of them was happy with me right now, but I didn't think they would ever tell my father about Justin Hart.

"Caroline called. She was concerned."

If it was even possible, the churning feeling in my stomach worsened. "Oh, Dad, I'm really sorry."

His brows furrowed. "Why are you sorry?"

That was a silly question. The woman who cheated on him and left us was calling. "Because you had to talk to her. That must have been hard, and it's my fault she called."

The hurt look in his eyes said it all. At least, that's what I thought. He disagreed.

Dad reached for my hand, untangling my little finger from the loose thread. "Ellie-bean, I'm a grown man, and my history with Caroline is in the past."

A new wave of confusion washed over me. "It doesn't bother you to talk to her?"

He shrugged. "It's a little weird, but no, it doesn't bother me. Does it bother you if I talk to her?"

I never imagined he would want to talk to Caroline, not after everything she did. I know I didn't want to talk to her. I couldn't. Every time she and I crossed paths, or her name was merely mentioned, the resentment over her betrayal flared up. I hated thinking about my sweet, hurt father going through all that pain again. Should I not feel that way? Had I read everything wrong?

There was a tingling feeling rising in my throat. "I guess not. Not if you're okay with it."

"Okay, good," he nodded, letting go of my hand to clasp his together. The pep talk was on its way. "So do you want to talk about what's happened with Justin and Sawyer?"

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