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Our mother was Bella Swan, she had given to me and my sister, Renesmee.

We were a pair of twins.

She could communicate by touching someone on the cheek and I on the other hand, I could mimic anyone's gift.

After we were born our aunt Rosaile was carrying us as she was sat down on a couch, talking to us.

A man was coming into the living room but he stopped midway of walking he looked at my sister then walked away purely shocked.

The Cullen's kept taking care of us though it was a disaster, I would mimic everyones ability and use it for fun against them.

So it was a little chaotic.

Dad and I would play our own game, thinking contest.

Just think of it like a staring contest but in OUR game you have to think very quickly.

Renesmee would sometimes show me her thoughts when we were in the womb.

There were times mom would allow me to mimic her powers, it also just went on from there.

Jacob would come over to hang out with us, mostly to be with my sister.

Even though Jacob wasn't a vampire I could still mimic his shifting form.

The first I transformed into a pup it was crazy, I was terrified and confused.

We ended up finding out I would only transform if I would get angry, that was the downfall of touching him.

I couldn't control this wolf form, I wasn't sure I ever could.

So with that I would try and not get angry often but it didn't matter since I was a pup.

As months passed both Renesmee and I would grow rapidly which worried Jacob and our family.

They didn't know how long they had with us and we didn't know how long we had with them so we made every second count.

Sometimes aunt Rosalie and uncle Emmett would travel to seek for answers about us to see how long we had.

Our parents let Jacob take us out.

Each time he did, we would always meet with Leah and Seth Clearwater.

Leah was sometimes mean but not to us, she surprisingly had a soft spot for us.

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As perusal today he took us to see Lead and Seth again, we hopped out of the car and ran towards Leah who was already waiting for our arrival.

She hugged us, "You girls are getting big" she ruffled with our hair hiding the worried manner.

There was a smile on both mine and Renesmee's face, we were aware of this. Sometimes it worried us too.

We pull back from the hug, "Where's Seth?" I question, she starts walking with us beside her.

She pointed at the house that we were walking towards, she knew we were going to run and so she let us.

We ran and as we opened the door, we saw two guys on a couch play fighting and the other guy in the kitchen.

We heard talking behind us, "Aye there here, put a shirt on" Jacob groaned catching the guy's attention.

We heard footsteps running down some stairs as we slowly walked in and stood in front of the stairs.

The footsteps were Seth.

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