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Aunt Alice attacked Aro, kicking him with her leg which had sent him flying up.

His guards grabbed Alice and just held her.

My family became angry at them doing this, seeing them hold aunt Alice like that.

Grandpa yelled as he ran forward to attack, Aro did the same.

They met each other mid air.

We then saw Aro land onto the ground.

But he was holding something.. a body thud onto the ground.

It was grandpa's decapitated head in his hand.

Everyone watched in horror as Caius burned his body.

Anger just came rushing into my body.

This caused my family plus the witnesses to launch in attack, the wolves stayed behind as they waiting for the Volturi to come first.

As we ran the wolves eventually passed us, launching themselves at the Volturi.

Dad jumped up in the air and and got one of them.

Chaos had broken out, with both sides undergoing deaths. 

The wolves jumped at the Volturi army tearing the heads off.

The vampires did the same, they teared their heads off.

I was kind of avoiding that so I ran towards uncle Jasper to make sure he was alright.

We started fighting side by side until we heard snow crunching.

We  saw that it was Jane, she slowly walked to us trying to use her power but was stopped due to mom's shield.

The dark brown haired boy was glaring at mom and realized what she was doing.

He ran towards her, I purposely got in his way to slow him down but he managed to sneak pass me, that caused her to loose focus.

He launched himself at her, Jane ended up using her power on both uncle Jasper and me.

We groaned in pain, the guy uncle Jasper had been punching had pushed us to the ground.

Another guard grabbed him, I tried to get up as fast as I could and tried using mom's ability.

It worked but only for a couple of seconds, I felt weak.

One of the other guards that had pushed us, had beheaded Jasper.

Alice screamed as she watched her lover die, the guards turned to me.

I heard running footsteps, it was Paul.

He jumped onto the guy, tearing his head off.

As mom finally got Alec off she looked over at us, she had noticed Jasper's body.

Uncle Emmett saw this and ran towards Alec who was going to try going after her again.

𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 ↠ 𝐏𝐚𝐮𝐥 𝐋𝐚𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐞 [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now