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Mom decided to wake us up in the middle of night, we got changed into warm clothes.

We were going to camp outside somewhere.

The snow was falling, there was yet no campfire.

All of the vampires who had volunteered set up camp in the snowy woods.

Paul brought some wood and dropped it on the ground, then Benjamin used his power to produce fire from his fingertips and threw it onto the wood.

The campfire crackled and popped, casting dancing shadows on the pristine blanket of snow that covered the ground.

Paul sat down on a log, I sat beside him leaning my head against his shoulder as I stared into the fire.

Jacob sat next to Ben, "Little pre-battle bonfire, telling war stories" he adds.

He looks across the fire and sees the two Amazon women standing. "Or just standing there like a freaking statues" he finished.

Benjamin slightly leaned onto him and smiled looking at the same vampires.

Suddenly Garrett appeared and sat next to both Paul and I, "Name any american battle, I was there" Garrett said as he looked at the fire.

Jacob mentioned Little Bighorn.

Renesmee walked passed me and paul then sat down next to Jacob.

Garrett stayed silent for a second before speaking, "I came this close to biting custer," he showed with his fingers how close.

He sighed, "But the Indians caught him first" he finished whilst looking at the fire.

Kate suddenly appeared sitting on Garrett's leg, "Try Oleg's assault on constantinople," said Kate as Garrett tried to make her comfortable.

"He didn't win that one on his own" she finished her sentence as he was rubbing her arm.

The Irish coven appeared as well, on another log across from us. "If you're talking battles, you're talking the eleven years war" said an older irish guy.

He had finished his sentence as a female looked at Liam with her hand onto his shoulder, "No one does rebellion like the irish"

"You lost the eleven years war." Garrett pointed out.

Me and Paul looked at each other shocked, after a while everyone started to gather together.

All the clans sitting around the campfire, "When we ruled everything came to us," Vladimir spoke, "Prey, diplomats, favor seekers." he paused.

The vampires who had mates were holding onto each other or standing next to each other whilst listening.

Paul moved me to sit on his lap as a clan sat where I was.

"Such was our power, but we never put on white hats and called ourselves saints." he finished as we all looked at him.

"We were honest about what we were" Stefan added.

They looked at each other, "We sat still for a very long time, we didn't notice we were beginning to petrify."

Stefan nodded, "Perhaps the Volturi did us a favor when they burned our castles" he said as he looked at us.

"We've been waiting fifteen hundred years to return that favor" Vladimir finished as everyone stared at him.

After a while every vampire that was surrounding the campfire started talking amongst themselves.

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