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Location: Jim's Apartment.

Both Jim and Carolynn are wordlessly seated by the window.

Suddenly Jim's communicator beeps. His trance breaks, he grabs his communicator and says, "Yeah?"

Spock's voice is heard. "Commander, Mister Scott has found something in the wreckage of Harrison's ship. He has asked to see us right away."

Jim furrows his brows. Carolynn is seated quietly, unfazed.

"On our way." Jim says and disconnects.

"Rose? Darling?" Jim turns towards the woman and takes her face in his hands. Carolynn looks into his eyes. His blue orbs soothing her immediately.

"You up for it, Honey?" He asks.

"Yes." Carolynn nods.

"Okay." Jim says and places a light kiss on the corner of her mouth.


Location: Starfleet HQ Plaza

Spock, Jim and Carolynn run up to Scotty.

"Captain! I found this in the crashed jumpship, sir. This is how the bastard got away." Scotty says and places a device on Jim's arms.

"What do you mean?" Jim asks panting.

"It's a portable transwarp beaming device." Scotty says.

"Can you figure out where he went?" Jim asks.

"I already did, sir, and you're no gonna like it." Scotty says a presses a button on the device. Both Jim and Carolynn look down at the screen.

Coordinates 43 89 26 05 appear on the screen.

"Oh my god." Carolynn breaths.

"He's gone to the one place we, we just can't go." Scotty concludes.

Carolynn could see the gears turn in Jim's head.

"Marcus." Jim says, gives the device back to Scotty and runs off. Spock and Carolynn follow his wordlessly.


Location: Marcus' office

A meeting is in progress at Admiral Marcus's office. Marcus is talking to a few officials, but is interrupted by Jim's, "Admiral, sir, he's not on Earth."

Marcus eyes the bunch of young officers. His eyes land on Carolynn. He gives her a sympathetic look. Carolynn quickly looks away.

"He's on Kronos sir." Carolynn adds.

"I request my command be reinstated and your permission to go after him." Jim says panting heavily.

"Give us a minute." Marcus says to the group of offcials and the meeting adjourns.

"Kronos." Marcus says walking towards his desk.

"Yes, sir." Jim says as the three follow Marcus.

"So Harrison's gone to the Klingon homeworld. ls he defecting?" Marcus asks.

"Er. We're not sure, sir." Jim says.

"He has taken refuge in the Ketha Province, a region uninhabited for decades." Spock tries to explain, but is cut off by Jim's "He's gotta be hiding there, sir! He knows if we even go near Klingon space, it'd be all-out war. Starfleet can't go after him, but I can."

Carolynn looks at Jim's desperation with worried eyes.

"Please, sir." Jim pleads.

"All-out war with the Klingons is inevitable, Mister Kirk. If you ask me, it's already begun. Since we first learned of their existence, the Klingon Empire has conquered and occupied two planets that we know of and fired on our ships half a dozen times." Marcus pauses.

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