Pokemon World Adventures: Chapter 92

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Gon and Deku run up to Blacephalon and get ready to attack.

Gon: (Just like last time, I'll have 90% of my aura in my arm, and the rest everywhere else.)

Deku: (There's no need for Ryu this time, since I'm using One For All to attack

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Deku: (There's no need for Ryu this time, since I'm using One For All to attack.)

Blacephalon: Blooooo! *Uses Mind Blown*

Mind Blown hits Gon and Deku, but they hardly take any damage thanks to them using Ken and Ryu.

Gon: (One more time!) *Punches Blacephalon*

Deku: (Smash!) *Kicks Blacephalon*

Gon and Deku's attacks hit Blacehpalon, doing a lot of damage. Gon and Deku back away from Blacephalon before it can counterattack.

Deku: Yes! (I don't feel any pain at all. This means I can use One For All for offense, and Nen for defense.)

Gon: (So that's what Deku did. Hold on, maybe I could use Ken to take less damage from the attack, then quickly switch to Ko in my fist for a harder hit.)

Blacephalon: Bloooooo!

Gon: Deku, let's do it one more time!

Deku: Right.

Bisky: (It seems like Gon may have figured it out. Being able to switch between techniques during battle will become super useful if done quickly.)

Gon and Deku run up to Blacephalon and get ready to attack.

Gon: (Alright, this time I'll use Ken!)

Deku: (I'll use Ken and One For All at 50 percent!)

Blacephalon: Blooooo! *Uses Mind Blown*

Mind Blown hits Gon and Deku, but they hardly take any damage thanks to using Ken

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Mind Blown hits Gon and Deku, but they hardly take any damage thanks to using Ken.

Gon: (Now, switch to Kon in my fist!) *Punches Blacephalon*

Deku: (Smash!) *Kicks Blacephalon*

Gon and Deku's attacks hit Blacehpalon, doing a ton of damage. Gon and Deku back away from Blacephalon before it can counterattack.

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