Chapter 5

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Three months in prison.

Dream —

Dream was sitting on the bed, he was thinking about the old days, when he still was with his best friends, when he had a family, when he was happy.

'Everything was lost so quickly... Why?' dream wondered in his mind. 'Maybe when I get out of here I can start over, right? A new family' He wanted to start over, he wanted to be happy again. But can he start over after all he's done, after all the damage, wars and betrayal?
Probably not, but he didn't think about the damage he had caused, he only thought about his friends, his family, they could reconcile and start over, right?

But, that means accepting the blame, both sides were to blame. Dream didn't see that, He was not going to accept blame for the actions of others. If only he knew that he not have to accept the blame of others, but his own blame.

He would just forget that, ignore it, ignore the deaths, the pain, the wars, the betrayal. He would ignore everything. Everything he did.

Like he did in high school.


A young man, dream, lying on the floor of the corridor, while everyone laughed at him.

He had been rejected by a girl, he had given her a letter that expressed his love, she had read and torn it in front of everyone. Everyone.

The boys laughed at him, pushed him teasingly until they threw him to the ground. "Owww is the baby going to cry?" "You are so weak!" "That's why she rejected you!" The boys' voices repeated in his head, filling his head with insults. Everyone around him looked, some laughed, others ignored him, but no one did anything to help. No one.

He ignored people all day, trying to think about other things, trying to focus on other things. He thought that would be forgotten quickly, but those boys kept reminding him, making fun of him. And the girl he liked, every time he walk beside her and her friends they would laugh at him.

Sometimes he would walk near groups of people and could hear them whispering about him. "He is the boy who was rejected" "they say he is a crybaby" "I heard that he is a coward" Words, words that kill.

He ignored it, he lied to himself saying "everything will be fine" but it never was. And it never will be.

End of flashback.

Just like that.

'I should write something else besides... death' dream thought 'maybe a diary would help me to have my mind clear' he will still ignore everything 'yes, a diary'.

dream walked towards the chest opening it and taking a dusty book out of it. He didn't know it yet, but that would be the book that would accompany him for the rest of his days, the book that would tell his story.

They want me dead. [Dream Angst] Where stories live. Discover now