Chapter 9

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Seven months in prison.

Dream -

"Who are you?" I asked the shadow in front of me but my words seemed to be ignored. "Where am I?" I asked one more time, but there were no different results. The place where we were was dark and cold, suddenly a bright white light appeared behind the shadow, the shadow moved and I managed to see well where the light was coming from.

A small white dot that was getting brighter and brighter, I tried to get closer to know what was that but the flash of light made me close my eyes.

And the darkness disappeared.

The song of the birds and the summer air on my face made me curious, so I opened my eyes. A beautiful place, flowers and trees decorating it, and the sun that I never thought I would see again. For the first time I felt free, without a mask or chains.

I walked through the woods, in awe of things that at some point I saw but didn't pay attention.

And without noticing it, the forest began to get darker, the sun hid behind the leaves of the trees, but a flower was what caught my attention.

I approached the flower and crouched down, seeing it in amazement, I had not seen the flowers for a long time, it felt good to be able to see how beautiful they are.

But when the flower withered in a blink, that's when I realized something was wrong but before I could think of anything I heard a familiar voice or should I say voices...


I turned around only to see the faces of my dear best friends, at least before everything happened.

"George? Sapnap? Is it really you!? O my! I been missing you both for such a long time!" I say as I turned around, excited like a pup for his owner, I run to them, wanting to give them a hug but Sapnap put his hand on my chest, pushing me.

"After everything, every damn, stupid thing you did..." Sapnap said looking down.

"YOU REALLY THOUGH WE WANTED TO SEE YOU!?" Eyes glowing red, furious, sapnap clenched his fist.

"You're a disappointed Dream, maybe that's why your own dad didn't wanted to be with you." George said, I couldn't look at his eyes he was covering them with glasses but I prefer it that way.

"YOU! YOU ARE A TRAITOR" sapnap said, why does his screams make me wanna cry so badly?

"If only Puffy was here to see what kind of... Creature you are now" George said, almost sounding disgusted.


"Sapnap, I didn't mean to-" My voice sounded so bad, like I been living in a cave for years.

"I guess you always find a way to get rid of everyone who loves you"

"George please, please stop" I said covering my ears like a kid.

Their screams keep going, saying worst things everytime.

"Please, please, stop"

I never wanted this, never wanted to hurt them or be alone. I only wanted to help, help them. Oh god. Since when have I been so lonely? I don't even remember, I can't remember.

I threw myself to the floor hugging my knees.

"I can't remember..."

So strong and intelligent villain, so powerful, everyone is afraid of him. And look at him, look at me. Su useless, scared little monster, can't even remember his own memories 'If I can't remember myself how is everyone going to remember me?' oh poor little soul, so forgetful.

I was crying, but it didn't feel like being that bad anymore, after all. Who cares about me?


I woke up, eyes full of tears. Is it weird if I say that woken up in this black room give me comfort? Now that I think about it, if someday I leave this hell, I'm not gonna be able to look at the faces of everyone, probably just gonna throw myself in the floor and start crying.

I mean, I can't even stand up. My stomach hurts so much, and I feel so disgusted of looking at my body, only bones. I look like a walking corpse. And can't talk about my sleeping schedule.

"Sleeping schedule" funny words, I think so, haven't made a joke in years, but lately I laugh about everything.

They want me dead. [Dream Angst] Where stories live. Discover now