Chapter 10

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Eight months in prison.

Quackity just finished his "important meeting" with Dream, who was sitting on the ground his back facing the wall and his head down, blood coming out of his head.

"You see Dream, I have no problem on keep doing this but you..." Quackity looked down at Dream, he smile like he has done a great job and then laugh, before leaving and disappearing behind the lava.

Dream raised his head, a large gash on the forehead with blood coming out, he had his front teeth broken and his nose was bleeding. Different cuts around his body could be seen and dried blood on his shirt. He tried to stand up but he only could made a few steps before failing to the ground.

Tired, Dream crawled to the bed next him and sat down, his head spinning, he felt like he was at the edge of dying. And still his face was emotionless, no tears burning his checks or a sad smile. Just his red tired eyes looking straight to the lava.

He needed something but he couldn't tell what, maybe he needed that feeling when you're hugged or maybe he needed a rest from life. He didn't know what did he wanted or needed now. It was all so confusing to him.

So he lay down on his bed, trying to remember the good things of his old life.

Walk trough the forest, laugh about anything, being with his friends, watch the night sky...

So many good things and he ruined them all, and for nothing. After everything, after everyone, he is alone. He gain nothing but loneliness and it kills him inside knowing that he could have prevented it.

George, Sapnap, Puffy, Fundy, Tommy, everyone he met now are gone.

Everything he accomplished... Everything single thing that happened before, doesn't matter now. Because he is nothing.

Blood started covering the sheets as his breath started to become faster and faster. His heart beating harder like it's about to explode, and at the same time he felt like his heart was being squished, something was trying to make it stop beating at all. His eyes started watering, but he couldn't move, he only could hold onto the bed sheets, trying to live.

He saw everything blurry, but his eyes moved quickly, from side to side, he wasn't sure what he was searching for, he was just scared. His mouth open slightly trying to make a sound but nothing could be heard.

He wasn't ready yet.

In the other hand, his mind was going crazy, passing trough every memory he had, like if he was going to forget everything.

Until it came to stop.

His heart calmed down, his hands started letting go of the bed sheets, and as he looked to the dark ceiling, he gave his last breath.

Philza open his eyes, frightened, he leave the bed, looking at the closest window.

"The server is in danger."

The end

They want me dead. [Dream Angst] Where stories live. Discover now