Chapter 7

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Five months in prison.

Dream —

The sound of chains colliding with the stone road made Dream a chill in his neck that spread down his back. He had his hands behind his back, tied with long and heavy chains, his feet had chains too, they were heavy and made Dream have to strain when walking.

Next to him was Sam, with one hand on Dream's shoulder and the other on his sword, he was leading him somewhere, Dream had no idea where he was, nor did he know where they were going. Suddenly Sam stopped, they had arrived.

He was outside in the forest, there was a large wooden platform in front of him, Tubbo was there, standing. Suddenly Sam took dream to the platform, and hit him on his legs so that he fell to his knees. Dream had his head bowed, he didn't know what was happening, why they treated him like that. Tubbo started to speak, he seemed to give a speech but Dream couldn't understand what he was saying.

So he decided to raise his head a little, enough to see the chairs in front of the platform, they were not alone, the people were sitting there, and he managed to see some people. Fundy, George, Sapnap, Badboyhalo and Puffy, what were they doing there?

"The day were we end our fear, the day of Dream's death." Tubbo said. And that's when dream realized, they wanted to kill him.

He looked at all of them, waiting for something, he hoped someone would defend him, but no one did, no one said a word, they just watched him. Puffy, his aunt, who was like a mother to him, looked at him with disappointment, with disgust. George and sapnap didn't even look at his eyes, and badboyhalo looked angry, he looked betrayed. Why, why are they doing this?

Someone got on the platform, the sound of the wood was the only thing he could hear at that moment, He looked at it. At him. Quackity, He carried an ax, and walked to dream, standing in front of him. Dream wanted to run, he wanted to scream, he wanted to cry, but he couldn't, he was paralyzed, in shock. He could only look at him, at his eyes.

Quackity's eyes were red, they expressed hate, it seemed that he really wanted to kill dream. He raised his ax to dream, his eyes pointed straight at his neck. He was going to cut off his head. Dream couldn't move, but he was scared, he never wanted to hurt anyone but he had to pay the price for his actions.

Quackity's ax rushed towards Dream's neck, which began to bleed. Dream coughed up blood, he felt his neck burn, it seemed that his skin was burning. He tried to scream, but he only spit out more blood, the pain in his neck was horrible, and the blood that was coming out had already covered his chest. He felt that he couldn't breathe, and the world around him began to turn black, while a voice repeated "it's your fault, you did this to yourself."

My fault, my fault, my fault, my fault, my-

He woke up, once again he had a nightmare, it was becoming quite normal for him to go to sleep and have nightmares.

His nightmares were always different, different ways in which he died, in which he felt pain. Sometimes he would go to sleep and dream nothing, and for him, it was the best thing in the world.

But it was very rare for him to don't have nightmares, he wishes he didn't have them, he did not sleep well at all, in fact he was already beginning to forget what it felt like to have a good sleep.

So Dream began to stop sleeping, he didn't want to have those nightmares again, he could not bear with that pain again.

They want me dead. [Dream Angst] Where stories live. Discover now