Chapter 6

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Four months in prison.

Dream —

Dream wrote in the diary why he had done everything he did, the reason why wars and betrayals began.

"They have to realize that they are not the most innocent people." Dream talk to himself but a voice stopped his thoughts, 'neither you' that's what the voice said. "I had a reason." He said 'A reason to wish for the death of your friends?' the voice. That voice was nothing more than him, his subconscious trying to make itself understand.

"They were wrong." He said to himself "maybe..." memories he had forgotten came back to him "maybe I'm wrong..." Bad memories.

"I didn't want to hurt them." Late "I guess- I guess I'm not the hero either." Not "But I'm not a villain." You're not, are you? "We all are, villains." It gave him chills.

"Maybe... Maybe I'm to blame too." He took a deep breath "Fine, I am also wrong. " he said but nothing happened.

"And now, it doesn't matter." He looked around "I'm stuck here, alone, with no one to hear me." He walked to his bed "When I get out..." He said "I'm going to apologize" he would have to think carefully about what he was going to say to everyone. "I will apologize to everyone, even the child" He extended his hand to his diary, he was going to write what he was going to say.

He started to write.

"I am sorry.
I know everyone probably hates me, and I know they have many reasons to do. But I want you all to listen to me.

I am not proud to know that I have hurt all of you, that I betray you, that I manipulate you. But I have reasons, and I know that does not justify the damage I did to y'all. So please accept my apologies.

We were all wrong, and I have to accept that maybe I was the worst. But I never wanted to harm any of you. I am a person just like you or most of you, and that means that I do care about all of you, even tommy.

And I'm trying to be a better person, so please don't hate me forever, because I never hate any of you.


It was a small letter, but that were the only words he could write. And yet no more were needed.

Author's note.

It's not the best episode, but I'll try harder in the next ones <3.

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