Chapter 8

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Six months in prison.

Dream -

"How does it feel, Dream?" Quackity said, his ax in his hands and a wicked smile on his face.

These weeks Quackity had been visiting Dream, carrying his ax and torturing him. This time wasn't different, Dream was on the cold prison floor, bleeding and Quackity was insulting and laughing at him.

Dream didn't respond, he knew that if he did Quackity would torture him more.

"You deserve it Dream, in your whole life the only thing you did was torture other people."
"And now, look at you."
"Who are you now Dream?"

'Who are you now?'

An evil laugh came out of Quackity's mouth, then he hit Dream one more time before leaving.

Dream was on the floor watching Quackity leave, and when he saw the lava fall he gave a relieved breath. Now he was safe.

Nobody but Quackity and Tommy came to visit him, those were the worst days of his life.

Dream tried to get up, his body was shaking, his shirt had blood and his mask was broke. But with pain and the only strength that remained, he was able to approach the chest and eat to gain more strength.

At first the food came every week, now it comes every three weeks, and although it can be said that it is enough, he don't eat much.

Now his body is weak, but even though his stomach begs for food Dream refuses to eat. 'I deserve it' is what he says.

Dream walked to his bed and then he lay down, he was about to fall asleep but the memories of the nightmares, screams, blood and pain chased him. The dream world was no better than the real world.

But the memories that came to him weren't either.


"I can't believe you did this to us, Dream." George said, disappointment in his tone and anger in his gaze, "We were best friends."

"Were..." I said in a whisper.

"He's a Dickhead, I'm sure he just played with you all the time." Tommy said.

'Not true'

"Let's go George, I don't want to see this." Sapnap said.

"Dream, for the safety of everyone you will be locked in this prison." Sam said as he led me to the room.

No one, absolutely no one said a word, when the lava began to wash away and they put me on the platform.

Everyone looked at me disappointed, I still don't understand why they expected so much from me.


"Merry Christmas!" Sapnap and I yelled as we threw ourselves into George's bed to wake him up.

"What the hell?" George said as he pushed Sapnap.

"It's your Christmas present, gogy." Sapnap said while holding onto the covers to keep from falling out of bed.

"Get out of my room..." He said with a yawn.

"Oh come on George! It's Christmas time!" I said.

George just grabbed the pillow and covered his head, while Sapnap and I jumped on his bed screaming for him to get up.

End of flashback.

A tear slid down my cheek, wetting the pillow. "I'm so sorry." I said with my voice shaky and tired, a feeling of being in the water, unable to speak appeared.

I sat on the bed and brought my knees to my face, hugging them with my arms.

"I wasn't the friend they deserved." I said, tears running down my cheeks, my voice being a whisper.

I was shaking 'I don't deserve them.' I felt my heart being crushed between walls full of guilt, "I just wanted to have a family." I said stuttering, I squeezed my eyes tight wishing to go back to the past, my tears were running down my cheeks, my lips were trembling, I had so many things to say, so many that I couldn't say any.

"I- sorry- never meant to- I just-"

Incomplete words came out of my mouth, as if all the things I wanted to say wanted to come out at the same time, making an incomprehensible and weird sentence. I was drowning in my own words.

I was feeling so overwhelmed, so many horrible memories, and without noticing it my breathing started to get faster, my heart beat fast too.

I felt so weak, as if a simple feather could hurt me, right now i just wanted to be hugged by someone so i hugged my knees tightly, it felt like the air in the room was starting to disappear, I couldn't move, it felt like thousands of little knives were on my skin, and every time I tried to move it hurt more, I felt a tingling all over my back too.

And it felt like my face was burning, every time a tear came out it was like fire going down my cheeks. "Please..." I said stuttering "Help..." I finished saying.

My vision started to blur, like seeing underwater, I couldn't breathe well, I couldn't move, I was so weak.

I passed out.

They want me dead. [Dream Angst] Where stories live. Discover now