Chapter 1

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The beginning

Day 1

"You will stay here dream, until you learn your mistakes." Say Sam while pressing the button to close the cell, I just watched the lava fall slowly.

They made a serious mistake by locking me up and they will pay for it.

They are all fools, do they think they can keep me here forever? Do they really believe that?

When I get out of Prison they would regret putting me here in the first place.

Day 2

Of all the things they could give me, they decide to give me this, seriously?

I am someone important. They could have at least bothered to bring me something more good. Maybe meat, that would be so much better.

But just wait for me to leave this dumb place and they will see.

Day 3

This place is really boring, and that clock is so annoying.

But right now I can only think of a plan to escape, after escaping I will manage to make them pay.

One by one, slowly.

Day 4

I wonder how long I'll be here, Sam didn't say anything to me, neither did the others.

Maybe I'll be here for a long time, it doesn't matter, I can take it, I mean, how bad is it to be here for a few weeks?

Just a few weeks.

Day 5

I don't even know what day is today, why are there no windows in this place?

Oh right! I'm surrounded by lava.

How am I even supposed to know when to sleep? I will have to wait until my body can no longer move from fatigue?

They assume I don't sleep or what?

They want me dead. [Dream Angst] Where stories live. Discover now