Green Light

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honey i'll be seeing you down every road

March 2020

Between: COVID edition

Gigi had learned to bask in the silence. The streets of L.A. were bare. She was supposed to be doing viewings of every episode at bars, she was supposed to be meeting fans around the country, maybe even around the world, and enjoying her new fame. But instead, Gigi just sat inside the House of Avalon and watched as Covid cases went up and the quarantine extended.

Rosy, Gigi, Symone, and Hunter started going on drives, just to kill time. Sometimes Marko or Caleb would hop in, but most of the time it was just the four of them. Rosy and Gigi sat in the back, Gigi's favorite seat to see the views. While Symone sat shotgun, navigating Hunter who drove. Rosy had hooked up to AUX and had already hit shuffle on her driving playlist. They drove with all the windows down, letting the wind blow on their faces. Crystal would love this. Crystal. Crystal, who had been silent since New York. They had texted here and there, but only a few short texts that didn't amount to any conversations. Gigi couldn't help but assume it was about the kiss.

"Okay but that could be a good or a bad thing," Symone said to Gigi after Crystal didn't answer her call.

"Definitely good," Rosy squealed.

"Definitely bad," Hunter argued.

"Both?" Rosy suggested.

"None of you are helping!" Gigi yelled, head in hands.

"Maybe she's reconsidering everything!"

"Or she's regretting kissing you and now things are awkward," Hunter quipped.

"You're both fucking dumb. She's only been home from press week for two weeks and now she's in quarantine. Give the girl time to figure her shit out," Symone said, shutting Rosy and Hunter both up. Gigi remembered why she appreciated Symone so much.

And so Gigi shook the thought of Crystal out of her head and focused on having fun with her friends as they drove around. She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and was shocked when she saw the caller ID. Widow? Why would Widow be calling Gigi?

"Rosy, turn it down, Widow is calling," Gigi said. Just as Rosy turned down the music, "Green Light" by Lorde started playing.

"I do my makeup in somebody else's car"

"Hello?" Gigi asked hesitantly.

"Hi, Geege, how have you been?" Widow sounded cheery. Way too cheery for Widow.

"Great- uhm, yeah no I've been great, you?" Hunter shot Gigi a puzzled look, Gigi just shrugged.

"I've just been enjoying my quarantine, thinking about learning how to cook..." Widow trailed off.

"And?" Gigi was now suspicious of Widow. If there was one thing Gigi knew about Widow it was she was not one for small talk. If Widow called you, she had something to say.

"And I've talked to Crystal a bit, and you'll never guess who she is quarantining with," Widow said, mischief ridden in her voice.

"Paul?" Gigi asked, sitting up straighter at the mention of Crystal.

"They're talking about Crystal! Put it on speaker," Rosy begged. Gigi hushed everyone before putting Widow on speaker.

"No. She's quarantined with Lux..." Widow trailed off.

"Oh, cool?" Gigi said. Symone's jaw dropped, Hunter clasped a hand over his mouth, Rosy screamed.

"No fucking way..." Hunter muttered. Why? It's just Lux.

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