Something About the Sunshine

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seeing you in a whole new light

June 28th, 2021


Crystal and Gigi sat in silence on the balcony for a few moments, not sure where to even start. Where do you start with someone you haven't spoken to in almost a year? How do you face the person who had kept you awake for days and days? How do you open a wound that you tried so hard to stitch up? Gigi wasn't sure if there was a right answer or an answer at all. Nonetheless, the hard part was over, she crossed the line. But where do they go from there? Thankfully, Crystal started the conversation.

"This isn't how I expected my first day in Amsterdam to go," She joked, offering a small smile. Gigi chuckled, nerves starting to settle.

"That's the understatement of the year," she muttered. They laughed together for a moment, it was nice. Gigi felt nostalgic, almost. She relaxed. "Uhm- Jaida and Michelle didn't tell me you would be here. Granted, I don't think they knew any better. They probably thought it would be a cool surprise or something," Gigi joked. Crystal took a hit of her joint, not reaching Gigi's gaze.

"I... didn't tell anyone, only Lux, and Daya," she whispered. "It just... it wasn't easy to talk about. It still isn't." Gigi searched Crystal's face for a hint at what she could possibly be feeling right now, but as always, she only drew blanks.

"Believe me, I know. I didn't tell many either. Just the ones who mattered," Gigi said. She wracked her brain searching for the right words, but every phrase she came up with seemed dumb or cringey. God, this was harder than she expected.

"Shit! Ouch ouch ouch!" Crystal yelped, burning herself on her joint. Gigi couldn't help but smile. It was just... Crystal.

"I-Uh, I know we haven't been okay," Gigi started weakly. "We were both hurting and needed time and... and I was okay, but I hated not being your friend. And I know so many things have been left unsaid and trust isn't built overnight but... can we just be fine for now?" Gigi looked out at the canal below them only to be greeted with the moon's reflection in the water. "Plus, look where we are!" she breathed, still in awe of the beauty of Amsterdam. "It's not worth it, worrying about our past isn't worth it when we have this... future," Gigi said all in one breath. She looked up, Crystal just grinned at Gigi, eyes shining.

"So let's be okay. We'll move on... for now. Because I just- I'm so happy we're here, even if we didn't both mean to be here," Crystal said, trying to hide the excitement in her voice. Gigi's stomach flipped, but she ignored it. She had Crystal back, that's what mattered. "God, I have so much to tell you," Crystal laughed, taking another hit. Gigi found herself grinning wider than she had for an entire year.

"You're not ready to hear some of the bullshit I need to tell you about," Gigi said. Crystal looked at Gigi, it felt weighted. She smiled, scooting her chair closer to Gigi's and passing her the joint.

"I've missed you," Crystal said, fighting back a smile. Gigi hit the joint, simply looking at Crystal as she exhaled, feeling content.

"I missed you too," Gigi said and fought back the urge to reach for Crystal's hand.

'Old habits die hard'

November 2019

Los Angeles

"Okay, Gigi. Now, I know that old habits die hard. But you've got this, okay?" Hunter said in the driver's seat, glancing at Gigi in the passenger seat.

"Okay," Gigi agreed, but she couldn't wipe that stupid smile off her face. In 20 minutes Crystal would be in LA, and Gigi would finally get to see her. Yes, it was only four days. But she knew those four days would be everything and more. Gigi couldn't wait. She, Hunter, Rosy, Symone, and Rubber Child were piled into Hunter's jeep, windows down, and Gigi swore the sun was shining just for them.

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