Only Son of the Falling Snow

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this is not sponsored by Taylor Swift but also yes it is 

where do you go wandering?

last kiss

Gigi nearly crumbled seeing Hunter, Rosy, and Symone's eager smiles, waiting for her excitedly at baggage claim. The thing she had dreaded the most was having to tell them. She really hadn't been on her phone much that week, too busy looking at Crystal. She hadn't told them a thing. Besides, Gigi wanted to see their faces when she told them she and Crystal were together.

Crystal. She was probably in Missouri by now.

Gigi hated this. She hated the pity, the sad stares and empty smiles. She hated it all. Rosy ran to hug Gigi, and she could already feel tears stinging the back of her eyes. Again. 'Not here' Gigi thought. 'This airport has seen me cry far too many times'

"I'm so excited you're back! You gotta tell us everything you whore!" Rosy squealed. Gigi pulled out of the hug.

"Can we please wait to talk until we're in the car," she managed, voice cracking. Rosy's smile immediately disappeared.

"Of course, come on," she grabbed Gigi's hand and signaled to Hunter and Symone to start leaving. Gigi let her head hang low as she walked out of the airport, wrapped in Rosy's arms. She couldn't help but wonder how dramatic she looked to everyone.

Gigi and Rosy sat in the backseat, Hunter was in the driver's seat and Symone sat shotgun. Gigi felt all eyes on her.

"Baby, what happened?" Symone asked gently, and Gigi's wobbling lip finally cracked into a sob as she burst into tears. No one knew what to do, Gigi didn't know what to do. Rosy held her hand, Symone squeezed her knee. Hunter couldn't even watch her crying, he just looked out at the empty parking lot.

Why was the airport so empty? Were Gigi and Crystal the only planes in the sky? Gigi wiped a tear, then told them. Everything. She told them about their kiss in the trailer, her and Crystal hooking up, driving around the Chicago suburbs.

With every word, Gigi felt her heart break more and more. Every shattering sob made her ribs ache. The three all had confused expressions on, she watched as they waited for the other shoe to drop. And suddenly Gigi caught her reflection in their excited, but confused faces. Is that what she looked like staring at Crystal? Clueless, blind, and naive? She felt so young, so confused, so broken.

And she had to tell her best friends why. She told them about the airport. About the tears, the goodbyes, the moment of epiphany when Gigi realized that Crystal didn't want her. Crystal didn't want her. They were silent.

"Gigi..." Rosy started, "God I'm so sorry." Gigi felt her nose start to burn. It was embarrassing more than anything.

"I- I just don't even know where to start," Symone said, jaw dropped. Hunter sat there silently, hand over his mouth.

"Uhm- so yeah Drive 'N Drag was really fun," Gigi tried to joke but failed, sounding so utterly pathetic. She felt all eyes burning into her as she waited for someone to say something, anything. She waited for Symone to make a joke that would cause Rosy to break out into her normal, loud-ass, laugh. Gigi hated their pitiful stares, their eyes that were usually full of light and happiness were now mopey and cold. Gigi looked at herself in the rearview mirror. Her eyes were empty, cheeks hollow, they looked how she felt. It was crushing. "Can we- can we go?" she asked, a new wave of tears about to start spilling.

"Gigi-" Hunter whispered, horrified.

"Please." Gigi's voice cracked. "Please... can we just- I can't be at this airport anymore it's-" and she was sobbing again. Hunter pulled out of the parking lot, no questions asked. He looked at Gigi from the rearview mirror, tears shining in his own eyes.

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