Paper Rings

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i want to drive away with you i want your complications too

there's glitter on the floor after the party

"GIGI MUTHAFUCKIN- OH SHIT!" Jaida burst into Crystal's apartment, both her and Gigi immediately waking up.

"What...?" Gigi groaned, sitting up quickly.


"What?" Crystal asked, sitting up in bed.

"Oh shit," Gigi winced.

"Why did I just hear horny fucking bitches from down the hall- OH SHIT!" Michelle laughed walking in behind Jaida.

"Okay, guys- listen-" Gigi started.

"WIDOW LOOK AT THIS SHIT!" Jaida cackled, pointing her phone at Crystal and Gigi.

"WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO WIDOW!?" Crystal screamed.


"WE WERE SLEEPING!" Gigi said.


"Guys, shut the fuck up," Widow said from Jaida's phone. "Jaida, Michelle, go somewhere."

"The balcony," Crystal pointed.

"Give me to my girls," Widow laughed. Thank GOD for Widow. Gigi was still rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she barely had time to process any of this. All she knew was Crystal's arm was still around her and she couldn't stop smiling.

"Michelle and I needed to smoke anyway," Jaida said. She and Michelle stepped out onto the balcony, leaving Crystal and Gigi alone with Widow.

"Spill," Widow said.

"We're umm..."


"We're like..."

"Together," Gigi said.

"Yeah. We're together," Crystal said, failing at fighting back a grin.

"Jesus Christ Hallelujah!" Widow cackled. "It took you bitches long enough!"

"You're telling me," Gigi and Crystal said in unison, before both bursting out laughing.

"I'm so happy for you guys," Widow grinned. "I've missed it, you two." And Crystal just buried her head in Gigi's chest. "Okay now I'm grossed out," Widow joked, causing all of them to burst into laughter.

"Well wherever you two decide to go, I'll support it. But I personally recommend Kansas City. Just kidding, this place is a shithole and I can't wait to get out," she winked. Gigi and Crystal both forced out awkward laughs. Shit. Where do they go from here? But anxiety didn't flare up in Gigi's chest, just butterflies, because now she got to plan her future with Crystal, and that's all she's ever wanted.

"Stop laughing so much in there! Come smoke!" Michelle called from the balcony.

"Alright ladies, I've gotta go. Tell Jaida and Michelle bye!" Widow said, hanging up. Gigi heard Widow's comment about wherever they go echo in their silence. And she remembered what happened the last time Crystal panicked about where they would live, how Gigi got left alone at the airport. This couldn't happen again. Could it?


"Seven days," Gigi said, cutting Crystal off. "Seven days where we can just be together and not have to worry about the future or where we're gonna go from here. Just seven days of us, Crystal," Gigi pleaded. Crystal just leaned in and kissed Gigi, pressing their foreheads together.

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