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AN: dedicated to One Direction, happy eleven-year anniversary.

all the love we had and lost 

July 17th, 2021

London, England

"GIGI WE'RE IN LONDON!" Is the first thing Gigi heard when she jumped awake on the train, Crystal hovering above her, a wild grin on her face.

"Whaaaa..." Gigi muttered, sitting up groggily.

"We're in London! The train is in London. We're getting off, let's go!" Crystal was grinning, and despite the fact that Gigi was fighting to keep her eyes open, she couldn't help but smile too.

"Okay I'm up," she said, picking up her bag and rising. Gigi couldn't help but let out a long yawn as Crystal led her off the train. They walked down the long hallway of the London Tube system and went up a steep flight of stairs, finally above ground.

For a moment everything was so bright, Gigi felt almost blinded. The air was surprisingly warm for London, she actually considered taking off her jacket. The sun was hidden behind the clouds, but still cast an uncomfortable glare on the streets. Gigi had to shield her eyes as they stepped onto the sidewalk. And there was Crystal, standing in the uncomfortable glare, looking up at the buildings with ease, her curls swaying in the soft summer breeze. And Gigi felt wide awake.

"Alright so don't be mad at me, but it's a forty minute walk to the hotel, and I think we should do that instead of getting a taxi or something. Get to know the city a little, you know?" Crystal proposed as they started to walk down the streets of London.

"That's okay," Gigi easily agreed. "Just... Do you actually know how to get there?" She asked. Crystal had gotten them lost in the city one too many times.

"I have done extensive research, I know exactly how to get there. I even practiced walking there from street view on Google Maps. I can do this," Crystal was determined, and Gigi could only smile at her, trying to wrap her head around the fact that they were actually in London.

After forty minutes of switching directions (three times), almost getting hit jaywalking (twice), and Crystal thinking she saw Liam Payne ("ONCE"), they finally arrived at the hotel. It was located right in Soho at the end of a short street. A bronze angel resided above the entrance of the hotel, The Resident Soho, arms open in welcome. And Crystal, who was walking slightly ahead of Gigi looked back, grinning.

"Welcome to our home for the next couple nights," Crystal said excitedly. She and Gigi went through the revolving doors together. Gigi looked around the lobby of the boutique hotel, with teal walls and tiny, delicate glass vases spilling with orchids on table stands. There were a few leather couches scattered around the lobby, adorned with armchairs that all had different patterns. She couldn't help but think this was the perfect place for them.

Crystal went up to the hotel receptionist to check in and came back a few moments later looking embarrassed.

"What's wrong? Are we already being kicked out?" Gigi was half joking. But what if the hotel had some new state-of-the-art drug trackers, and immediately knew that Crystal and Gigi had a paper bag filled to the brim with edibles in one of their suitcases?

"No..." Crystal chuckled, giving Gigi an amused look. "We just can't check in yet, not until three. But we can leave our luggage here and go get food if you want? WE CAN GO TO NANDO'S!" she suggested, already elated. Without a thought, Gigi immediately agreed.

"YEESSS BIITCH!" she whooped in the small, quiet lobby.

"SHHH!" the receptionist hushed her. Somewhat rudely, if Gigi may add. But neither of them cared, just quickly walking out of the hotel like two giggling messes, ready for their next adventure. And Nando's.

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