Winter Wonderland

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A/N: Sorry it took me so long to get this up. Enjoy!

Thomas's POV

Cold, white snow drifted down from the grey clouds, flakes covering the green pine trees. An icy wind picked up the snow, swirling it around, making the forest look like some type of wonderland. Thomas and Newt walked through it all, hand in hand, freezing cold. They decided to get out of the house and take a walk through the forest, thinking of it as a date. The two took in their surroundings, gushing over the beautiful sights.

But Thomas's gaze wasn't just on the woods.

Newt's messy hair had gone a light blonde, his eye lashes covered in small, white snowflakes. His skin was clear and smooth, freckles dotting his pale face. Chocolate brown eyes sparkled in the light, gazed over with amaze as he glanced around at the trees. His lips were full and a soft pink color, slightly parted, driving Thomas crazy.

Newt truly looked like an angel. Because he was.

"Tommy, look at that tree!" Newt exclaimed like an excited five year old, pointing at a pine tree lined with shimmering icicles. Thomas chuckled.

"I love it!" he responded, giving Newt's hand a squeeze.

They kept walking, Newt pointing out simple but beautiful things. Eventually, the pair arrived at a little, wooden cottage, steam drifting out of the chimney. Pine trees decorated the side of the home, a snowman sitting on the snow covered lawn.

Thomas remembered building that with Newt. That boy's smile was so big and full of joy as they finished it. Thomas was sure he had never seen Newt that happy in his entire life.

"Race ya to the porch!" Newt suddenly yelled before bolting towards the house, catching Thomas off guard. He stood there for a moment before running after the boy.

"You little- not cool!" he shouted, struggling to catch up. Newt was giggling and laughing, then turned around and stuck his tongue out at Thomas.

Thomas groaned, then chuckled. A gust of wind almost knocked Thomas off his feet, but he somehow kept his balance and made it to the porch, but not before Newt did.

"Beat you," Newt taunted, out of breath. Thomas slapped him playfully.

"I hate you," he mumbled sarcastically, earning a grin from Newt.

The blonde boy gripped the metal handle, pushing open the door with a creek. Warm air immediately hit their faces, like a blanket wrapping around their cold bodys. Newt let out a sigh, then stepped into the cottage, Thomas following.

To his right, a christmas tree sat tucked in a corner of their living room, ornaments twinkling because of the white lights that covered it, a small leather couch placed in front of a huge bay window. To Thomas's left, a small table stood in the center of their dining room, a door leading to the kitchen.

Newt had already undressed, his fluffy, green coat hung up and his boots under it. Thomas was fighting to pull off his jacket, the sleeve caught on his arm.

"You need help, Tommy?" Newt asked, nodicing the boy's struggling. Thomas stopped, breathless once again, then nodded. Newt walked over to him, chuckling, then yanked off his coat and hung it up beside his.

"Thanks," Thomas said, giving Newt a smile.

"You're welcome, sweetheart," he teased, giving the boy a small kiss on the head. Thomas rolled his eyes then chuckled, walking into the kitchen. Newt sat on the couch with a notebook, ready to write. He loved to make poems and write stories, and always had to jot his thoughts down.

Thomas grabbed the coco powder, then filled a kettle with water.

"Newtie, do you want hot cocoa?" Thomas asked.

"Yes please!" Newt answered, shouting from the living room. Thomas quickly fixed him some, then brought it to Newt, sitting down next to the boy. He sipped his cocoa, glancing at Newt's note book.

"Whatcha writing?" he questioned. Newt didn't bother to look up.

"A poem," he replied. Thomas set his drink down, attention on Newt.

"Read it for me," he said. Newt looked up at him, then smiled and cuddled up close to him. Thomas still got butterflies whenever Newt did that.

"You and I fell in love,

Much like quiescent snowflakes,

From surreal dusking skys,

Falling upon solitary streets,

And the heart of saddened nights."

"Like snowflakes to winter's call,

We too, ceded our souls,

To the inviting yearn to fall,

And everything around us,

Became something beautiful."

(Short A/N: This poem belongs to Clairel Estevez. I suck at writing poems, so I used this one)

Thomas looked at Newt with wide eyes, shocked.

"Wow, that was beautiful Newt," he complimented, making Newt blush.

"Thanks," he muttered. Thomas's hand sneaked into Newt's free one, squeezing it. The blonde boy smiled, then leaned in to kiss him. Thomas was inches away from his lips when Newt dodged the kiss. The boy knew how crazy it made Thomas when he dodged their kisses, and smirked. Thomas rolled his eyes then grabbed Newt's face and brought the boy's lips to his.

Fireworks exploded in Thomas's stomach, blush creeping up his face. His insides flipped and twisted, but in a good way. It happened every time they kissed. Newt's lips were soft and warm, working perfectly with his. Thomas's hands moved up to Newt's face, cupping it in his hands. The blonde boy's hands tangled in Thomas's hair, gently pulling on the strands.

At that moment, the rest of the world didn't matter. All that mattered was Newt's lips on Thomas's, the butterflies in his stomach, and the warm feeling bubbling inside him. Sadly, Thomas needed oxygen, and had to break the kiss.

Panting, the boys broke away, their foreheads resting on each other. Their eyes were still closed, trying to take in every second of the sweet moment. Thomas listened to Newt's breathing, focused on him, each breath he took calming the other boy. Newt's hands didn't move from Thomas's hair, but the brunette's hands rested on Newt's shoulders.

"I love you," Newt whispered, his warm breath hitting Thomas's face. He smiled.

"Love you too," Thomas replied.

A/N: Thanks for all of the comments and votes! It means a lot to me! Have a good day! Or night.

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