Hugging A Stranger

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A/N: Here's a sad chapter. Warning, you might cry.

Trigger Warning: Depression and loss of family.

Newt's POV:

Cold air filled the small bedroom, a soft hum coming from the air conditioner. Rain pattered on the frosted window, the room dark from the black clouds blocking out the sun. Newt layed on the carpeted floor, staring at the cillening, feeling alone. Dried tears stained his cheeks, but he was done crying. The boy had no more tears left to cry, to be honest. His thoughts were extremely noisy, all energy he once had gone, leaving him shaky. All he wanted was for someone to hug him, just hold him and comfort him. That's it.

Being depressed sucked. It was a pain no one could ever relate to. Like you were trapped in a dark room, all alone, emotions and thoughts swarming you, with the constant reminder that no one would find and help you. And all you ever wished for, the one thing you would do anything to receive, was a simple hug.

A hot tear slipped from Newt's eye, one he didn't realize was there. He needed to escape. Escape his thoughts, his emotions, the room that held him. Just needed to go somewhere.

With that thought, the boy stood up, grabbed his phone and headphones, then rushed out the door and down the stairs. His mother was sleeping, and he didn't want to bother her. She needed to rest after being stressed and overwhelmed all day.

Newt needed sleep too, but he couldn't. His thoughts were too loud.

Soon, the boy was walking down the road, rain soaking his coat. Newt pulled out his headphones and blasted music into his ears, drowning in the songs. His thoughts quieted down for a bit, which he was extremely grateful for. After about three songs, he wondered where he was going. As he rounded a corner, a small park came into view, the soft glow of street lamps providing enough light to see it.

That's when all chaos broke loose.

His quiet thoughts were louder than ever, each one screaming at the boy. Tears stung his eyes as he observed the place. Why did he take himself there? Why did the world hate him? What did he ever do to deserve such a thing? Memories flooded him, each one painful to watch.


An eight year old girl with blonde hair sat on a swing, flying into the air and shouting "Higher, higher!" at Newt. Her smile was wide, expression radiated joy, and hair flopped in the wind. Newt laughed, a laugh that sounded so full of euphoria, it almost didn't sound like his. The sun was shining, clouds fluffy and creamy white, everything seemed too happy to be real.

Suddenly, the memory changed, and Newt was back at home. The same girl sat at the table, pancakes stacked on the plate in front of her. Her blue eyes were full of excitement, smile still wide. Their mother came into view, holding syrup, and set it on the table. Her brown eyes were also full of glee, and Newt had never seen her that happy in years.

The memory changed again, and this time, Newt and the girl played outside, but this time she was older, looked pale and weak. But that smile still stayed on her face. Newt watched as she bounced a ball around, then peaked inside to find their mother standing by the home phone, her eyes full of joy. Then, all the thrill left her expression, replaced by a horrified, sick expression as the phone slipped from her hands and hit the ground.

That time, Newt expected the memory to change, but not what it would show. The girl- no, Newt's sister- was lying in a hospital bed, dark circles under her bloodshot eyes, her skin a sick pale color, eyes devoted of all happiness, replaced with a fear that made Newt's stomach twist. Dry tears stained her cheeks, all her golden hair gone. She was no longer the happy girl he saw in the other memories. Newt stumbled over to her, realizing that he was crying. He gently took her small hands in his, looking her in the eye. Her eyes were glossy now.

"Lizzy, I love you with all my heart. You are my other half and always will be. I hope you know how much you mean to me," he whispered in between sobs. Lizzy had tears streaming down her face.

"I love you too, Lizard. I always will," she barely got out. "Don't worry, it doesn't hurt. Okay?"

Newt bit his lip, trying to push the sob back down his throat.

"Okay," he muttered, then hugged the girl tightly, sucking in every precious moment.

"Apart but still together, right?" Lizzy asked, still embracing the boy.


The flashbacks ended, leaving Newt completely drained of energy. His heart throbbed, hands shook, tears rushed down his face. He hated himself. Hated the world. But all he really wanted was his sister.

That's when he collapsed, sinking to the wet ground. It felt like someone had stabbed him, the sadness too much to handle. He was drowning in his own tears, falling down a dark hole, only going deeper and deeper. It was suffocating.

"Are you okay?"

A voice broke through his thoughts. Newt glanced up, not bothering to try and stop crying, finding a pair of light brown eyes gazing at him with concern, brown, wet hair tangled in front of his pale face. At that moment, he desperately wanted a hug, wanted comfort, so he stood up, despite his weak legs, and hugged the stranger. Soft sobs snuck out of his mouth, and the boy let it all out. He needed to. The stranger stood there for a moment, shocked at the sad boy, then hugged him back, rubbing the boy's back gently.

"I'm sorry," the newcomer muttered. His words only made Newt sob harder. The fact that a total stranger, a random person he didn't know, was trying to comfort him, stunned Newt. The fact that that boy didn't push Newt off him, didn't freeze up, instead hugged him back, was amazing. Maybe not all people in the world were not bad.

Newt's tears eventually slowed, and he slowly let go of the boy, standing up.

"Thank you," he murmured, wiping his eyes. The stranger looked at him with worried eyes.

"You looked like you needed it," he stated, then smiled at him. Newt was completely embarrassed at that point, and wanted to run away from the person.

"I hope you feel better," he commented. Newt was able to get out a small smile before turning. But, the stranger said one last thing to the boy.

"If you ever need another hug, I'll be here." 

A/N: Kind of strange, I know, but it's Thomas, so it's fine :) Thank you for voting and commenting! Almost to 100 reads! 

Anyways, have a good day or night!

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