A Break In The Heatwave

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A/N: Hi! Sorry, again, really bad at updating, but I'm back! I'll post some holiday chapters later, but for now have this...

Sorry if I misspell anything!

Have a good day/night!

Newt POV:

The heatwave had lasted five days before breaking.

Gentle thrumming on the roof, damp air drifting through the open window, swirling clouds of slate; Newt had stared in awe at the cool morning. The sound of car tires splashing into puddles was almost alien to him, damp with water drops instead of sweat, it was all so different. But exhilarating all the same.

He loved it. He wanted more.

It only took thirty seconds for him to shake off the shock, fly down the stairs and run outside.

An ocean of water drops pelted him within seconds of stepping onto the driveway, soaking his clothes and hair, collecting on his eyelashes, and the boy welcomed it all. After sinking in miserable heat for so long, sweaty, dehydrated, red, being showered in cool weather had never felt better. Newt would never complain about rainy days again.

He traced down his driveway, down the sidewalk, dancing around puddles, and enjoying the rumbling thunder. That was until, as he stared into a puddle, another reflection appeared. Another boy.

Newt furrowed his brows, tilted his head, staring at the other muffled reflection before glancing up.

And the boy was beautiful.

He grinned at the puddle, as if lost in his own world, eyes gleaming with a gentle satisfaction, every inch of him soaked, yet sparkling. Freckles splashed across his face like raindrops, hair tangled with the blissful chaos of the day, but perfect all the same.

Newt could only stare, speechless, as a warmth blossomed beneath his cheeks. All of him wanted to sprint. How did that boy get there, what was he doing? He shouldn't have walked so far, he should run.

But when it came, Newt couldn't move. He wouldn't move. Glued to the sidewalk.


His gut was twisted into knots, chest ached, thoughts screamed to go, go, go! The fight or flight switch had been flicked, red and white flashing inside, a warning to leave. But some sliver of him stopped him from moving. Somewhere deep down, buried beneath all the noise, another half of him wouldn't let go.

So, there stood two boys, one rattled with strange emotion, the other completely oblivious to the world.

The beginning of something prettier than rainy days.

And then the newcomer looked up.

His eyes found Newt's, gazing into them as a bit of shock overcame him. The blonde had appeared out of nowhere, soaked, staring, but the fuzzy memory of wandering over to another puddle and a boy said otherwise.

"Um, hi," he said, giving Newt a small wave. "Sorry, am I in your way?"

Newt's face flushed, the knot in his stomach getting tighter. The feeling was so strange. Why was it so hard for him to talk?


That was it. That was all he was going to get out. A simple, barely audible, 'no'.

And then Newt glanced at his shoes.

The newcomer was hesitant at Newt's discomfort and confusion, leaving the two to sit in an uncomfortable silence.

Thunder rumbled in the distance, downpour still splattering the sidewalks, and for a moment, all that existed was the storm. They both melted into it, succumbing to all its calming nature, and morphing the uncomfort into pleasure. It was music to them both. And music fixed everything.

Newt's eyes closed as he let the raindrops trail down his skin, let the knot in his stomach unravel, the newcomer catching the sprinkle on his tongue. And though he would refuse to admit it in the future, the newcomer was silently watching Newt from a distance, amused, yet flustered.

It was him who broke the silence, after all.

"You like thunderstorms?"

Newt slowly let himself come back to reality, to the other boy, once buzzing emotions stilled.

"Yeah," he whispered, meeting the other's eyes. "Especially after that heatwave."

The boy couldn't have agreed more, shuttering.

"Ugh, don't remind me. Worst five days of my life."

Newt lightly chuckled.


"So, I'm assuming we both came out here for the same reason," the newcomer said.

"That depends what the reason is," Newt conutered.

The boy rolled his eyes, but held a playful grin.

"To soak up the rain? To enjoy the not 100 degree weather? Escape home?"

Newt pretended to consider it, putting a finger to his chin and frowning.

"Mmm, I guess so," he finally admitted.

The newcomer laughed, his smile bright and wide, melting away any discomfort that was still between the two. Newt chuckled along, pink lacing his cheeks, the fluttering in his chest not as overwhelming anymore. It was strange how easily they talked to one another, like old friends having a reunion, awkward at first, then just happy. Newt wasn't sure what to think of that, whether it was good or bad or both, and eventually tossed the thought aside.

He could think about it later.

"So, you planning on walking home by yourself?...." 

822 words

A/N: I'll make a part two ;)

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