Chapter 18

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Your POV

After an hour of resting after being beaten up by Rock, I stood up and stretched. "Alright. Jyugo, why don't you have someone go with me when I try to escape?" I said and he nodded his head.

"I'll have Uno go with you." He said and Uno looked at us confused. "What am I doing?" He asked and I chuckled. "You are going with me while I pretend to escape." I said and he stood up with a sigh. "Alright let's go!" I shouted and ran out the cell door, Uno followed just behind me.

We ran for a while before an alarm went off as red flashing lights filled the rooms. "Looks like they found out. Remember we have to let him catch us. But make sure you make it at least a bit difficult for him." I chuckled and kept running while Uno ran behind me.

While we were running, Uno found a camera and went up to it and smiled as he winked and ran to catch up to me. 'I'm sure Hajime's pissed about that.' I thought and chuckled. I slowed down a bit so Uno could catch up and continued down the halls, occasionally turning corners and going through doorways that were soon closed by metal bars.

We reached block 11 just as the door closed. "Damn it." I said and Uno smiled. "We'll look at that, we're trapped like rats." Uno said as we turned a corner and continued running down the long halls.

More doors closed and I groaned. "They want to try and bring us back to block 20." I said and Uno chuckled. "They're welcome to try. I can't wait to see what kind of booby traps they've got waiting for us." Uno said and I sighed. "Here's to hoping they don't end up killing us." I mumbled and kept running.

Uno was in front of me and a door was about to close so I slid under it and jumped back onto my feet. "You alright?" He asked and I nodded my head. "Yep. Let's move." I said and we kept running. Uno suddenly stopped me in my tracks.

"Just a hunch." Uno said as he pulled out a card and tossed it only for it to burst into flames and turn to dust. "An invisible laser trap??" I questioned, unable to come up with something better to call it.

He pulled out a random piece of chalk I didn't know he had and began to draw lines. "The lasers are laid out like so." He said and smirked. "Let's dance." He said and began to move and step over the invisible lasers.

I chuckled and shook my head as I found the panel and shut them off just as he fell into his back. I calmly walked past Uno as he looked at me confused. "Next time, just ask me to turn it off instead of you risking your life." I said and he huffed.

"If you found the damn security planes, you should have told me instead of just going off and doing your own thing." He said and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Next time you should be patient and pay attention." I said and began to run. "Hey! Wait for me!" Uno shouted and ran after me.

The ground began to shake and I sighed. "Should have known hacking that trap would have caused another one to happen." I groaned and looked around me and found the walls slowly closing in on us. I looked up and found an exit.

"Let's go Uno before we get squished!" I shouted as I began to climb, Uno following just behind me. I made it up and grabbed Unos arm and managed to pull him up just before he got squished paper thin. "That was close." I mumbled and sighed. 'Didn't expect that.' I thought and stretched.

Uno's POV

"Let's go Uno before we get squished!" I heard F/N yell as he began to climb the walls towards the ceiling that had a conveniently placed air vent. As he climbed up and reached the vent that would keep us from getting squished, I followed him. It was a tight squeeze as the walls got closer and closer together.

I noticed F/N lean out of the vent and reach for my arm. I could have sworn I saw a glimpse of his face. Pale yet lush skin along with a pair of pink lips. I didn't see his eyes or anything but damn I want to know what type of skin care routine he does to have such good looking skin.

He pulled me in and sighed. "That was closed." He mumbled and sighed. He stretched and began to crawl through the vent. I followed after him. I noticed he began to sniff the air.
"They are using gas to make us fall asleep." He said and he looked around.

"Let's go before we fall asleep in here." He said and dropped down from an opening in the vent and landed on his feet. "Hurry up!" He said and I dropped down. The floor shook again and behind me was a giant boulder rolling towards me and F/N.

"Run! Run! Run! Run!" F/N shouted as he grabbed my arm and began to drag me as he tried to out run and avoid being crushed by the boulder that was hurtling full speed towards us. 'Don't die! Don't die! Don't die! Don't die!' I prayed as F/N continued to drag me, trying to avoid the boulder.

"A trash shoot. Go in there!" F/N said and jumped in. "Wait, that's a trap too!" I shouted and jumped in after him. I held onto the edge of the entrance to the trash shoot to keep me from falling down as I held onto the hood of F/N's cloak while he held onto my leg. "If it looks too easy, it's usually a trap." I said and I heard a shaky sigh come from him.

"Y-yeah. But this was the only way to avoid that boulder." He said as we climbed out and dusted ourselves off. "Next time be more careful." I said. "Alright." He responded as he held onto my arm with one hand as if he was a child.

'He has very soft skin.' I thought as I brought my hand and placed it over his as reassurance. I looked down at him and smiled slightly. He nodded his head and let go as we continued to run.

Your POV

The trash shoot scared me half to death. I noticed Uno jump in after me so I quickly grabbed his leg as he held onto my hood. I could hear the electricity that stirred below us. I didn't bother to look down as I held onto Unos leg tightly. I didn't want to die.

"If it looks too easy, it's usually a trap." Uno said as I let out a shaky sigh. "Y-yeah. But this was the only way to avoid that boulder." I told him as we got out of the trash shoot and dusted ourselves off. 'That was scary. Thank god I had Uno with me.' I thought.

"Next time, be more careful." He said and patted my head a few times. "Alright." I said as I grabbed onto his arm without realizing it. I felt a hand land on mine and it was Unos. He was reassuring me with a gentle pat on my hand and a small smile and I was thankful as I let go, slightly blushing from it.

'Don't do anything stupid. Make sure you pay attention and stay focused.' I told myself as we continued to run. I didn't need to accidentally expose who I was. That already happened with Hajime, Samon, Upa, Jyugo, and Ms. Momoko.

"You alright there F/N?" Someone asked and it knocked me out of my train of thought as I looked over and saw Uno still there. "Uh, yeah I'm fine. Just thinking." I said and continued down the hall.

To be continued...

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