Chapter 3

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Your POV

After we did our little introduction, Hajime walked me to the warden's office with the other guards following behind us. "I wonder why he doesn't want us to see his face." Samon asked himself while looking at me. I turned around to see if they were still following us. I looked at Samon first then Kiji then Kenshiro then back to Samon. When I looked back at him I noticed that he has a faint pinkish color to his cheeks. I wondered why but just shrugged it off. I turned around and noticed my hood was not fully on my head. 'Uh oh I did not expect my hood to start coming off. I hope no one saw'.

Samons POV

When the new inmate turned around, I noticed his hood was starting to fall off his head. He looked at me then at the others then back at me. 'Wait a minute, the new inmate is actually a girl!? Hold on. Did anyone else see that?!" I looked around to see if anyone had a shocked expression on their face. None of them looked surprised; Kenshiro just kept looking forward while Kiji was looking at himself in a mirror. 'Those two are so carefree.' I thought to myself. Wait, does anyone else know he is actually a she! Now I know why she did not want anyone to see her face. I felt the heat climb up my face when I saw her crimson eye staring into mine. 'Oh no this is not good. I will not let anyone know this happened.' She turned away and fixed her hood. I looked at her one last time before we entered the big door of the prison.

Your POV

As we walked into the building, I noticed we took a right turn into some more doors. But this time, we entered a small room with pink couches and a table. If you look to your right there are more doors which I am assuming leads to the Wardens office. To my assumption I was correct. The warden was standing in the front of the room with a very long table with a lot of seats that were filled with other guards. I was asked to sit down with the guards at the table. So I sat next to Samon and Hajime. The warden then started to speak. "This new inmate has been sent here because of the crime he has committed. He did murder, steeling and almost took a hostage. I called you here to help me decide which cell and guard he will be assigned to. I will let him make some suggestions. Inmate?" she said towards me then asked, "Who do you want to be your guard?" I already knew the answer. "I would like to either be with Hajime, Samon, Kiji, or Keshiro." I tell her. Then she asked those few guards if any one of them wanted me in their building. Hajime and Samon were the first ones to jump up. Kenshiro was about to but stayed seated. Kiji was not even paying any attention to anything. He was just putting on more makeup. "I would prefer him to be in my building than in anyone else's building." Samon said. "Why is that?" The warden asked Samon. "He would most likely get along with my cell mates better and based on the crime he committed, he would be good for training." The warden just nodded then asked Hajime why it would be a good idea for me to be in his cell. "If this inmate was put into my building, he would most likely help keep my inmates focused and on task. With his kind but strict nature they would get along while keeping them on task. He might also be able to get them to train." The warden gave the same response to Hajime as she did Samon. Then she just sat there thinking which building I would be good at. When she came to her conclusion, she said "I will send this inmate to building 13 cell 13. You all may be dismissed except you Samon." All the other guards stood up and left. Hajime walked over to me with a smirk printed on his face. He told me to follow him. Then when everyone else left the warden started to talk.

Samons POV

"You seemed like you wanted to ask me something. So, what is it?" the warden asked. "I would like to ask if it was ok if every other day of training the new inmate has, he could come over to my building and train with my inmates." The warden stared at me for a while, sending chills down my spine, then said "That would be fine but since he does not want his face revealed, make sure he brings his cloak." "Thank you warden. That was all." I could barely hide my excitement. I almost ran up to the warden to give her a hug. But that would not be a very good idea. She would kill me! "Now all I have to do is tell Hajime the news and let my inmates know." I tell myself and exit the wardens office. "I cannot wait!" I cheered. Wait no, I cannot think like that. I mentaly smack myself and continue walking to building 13.

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