Chapter 20

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Hajimes POV

F/N and Uno made it past every trap in this building and approached the door to the outside. "That's my que." I said and began walking to the outside of the door and waited for them to open it. 'Good thing the Warden isn't here.' I thought and shivered at the thought of how angry she would be if she found out.

F/N and Uno opened the door and somehow didn't trigger the count down. "I underestimated F/N." I mumbled as they approached. "I didn't expect you to try and escape F/N. I knew the others would but not you." I said as she sighed.

"I wouldn't have if it wasn't for the bet I did with Jyugo." I said and I looked at her confused. "What bet?" I asked and she chuckled. "Yesterday, I scared Jyugo and I said that if he managed to scare me back, he would have from that moment until sun down today to make me do anything he tell me to do and I have to do it no matter how weird, dangerous, or stupid it may seem." She explained and I sighed.

'Why didn't I know about this sooner?' I asked myself and looked at them. "Well, you want your freedom, you'll have to get through me. Tough break. My sympathies but listen up, you won't be going any further." I told them and F/N sighed and shrugged. "Well Uno, we had our fun." F/N said and I looked at them confused. "Right. We were supposed to let him catch us." Uno said and they began walking back. "HEY! GET BACK HERE!" I shouted and ran after them.

"What was the point in trying to escape when you're just going to go back?!" I asked them and I heard F/N chuckle. "It was what Jyugo said. He told me that I had to escape but make sure to let you catch me." She said and I growled slightly.

"I would have managed to stop you even if you kept going." I mumbled and she sighed. "Are you sure about that?" F/N asked and me and Uno exchanged confused glances until I felt something grab my waist and flip me backwards into the ground.

They let go and something pin me to the ground. I looked to see that it was F/N. "Because I don't think you could." She chuckled darkly. I could see under her hood and saw the smirk on her face as her single red eye shone with victory and possible dominance. I felt my face get warm at her expression. It was hot. Not gonna lie.

She got off me but I stayed on the ground as I was in a small trance. "I guess I broke him." F/N said and Uno chuckled. "Maybe. But we have to go back to our cell." Uno said and I snapped out of my trance like state and jumped up and punched them in the head and crossed my arms.

"DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" I shouted and dragged them back to their cell and locked them in and walked off. "F/N is like all of them in one!" I said and entered my office. "The only difference is that she thinks more over her actions and doesn't cause much trouble. Also is more mature and doesn't act childish like the others." I mumbled and sighed.

I thought of the face she had earlier after she had pinned me to the floor and felt my face get hot again. "I didn't know she could make such a face. It was a bit surprising but was... quite interesting." I told myself and grumbled. "This chick will be the death of me." I mumbled and filled out some paperwork.

Your POV

"So, how did it go?" Jyugo asked as I sat there with my arms crossed. My head hurt because of how hard Hajime had hit me. "It went well, I guess. We actually made it outside but Hajime was there so that was when I decided that was when we would go back." I said and layed down.

"We almost died! We were almost crushed, squished, electrocuted, shot, and could have possibly been blown up." Uno said. "Wow! Now I wish I would have gone with you." Nico chuckled and I sighed. "By the way, I've been wanting to ask you. How is your skin so soft? What is your skincare routine? I want to know!" Uno asked me and I stifled a laugh as he begged.

"Uno... I don't have a skincare routine. It's just naturally soft." I said and giggled. I glanced at Jyugo and he was staring at me in what looked like a trance. His face was slightly pink and it confused me but I shrugged it off and sighed.

"We also bet that if I led us the right direction, he would do my training for me tomorrow." Uno said proudly and I face palmed. I had completely forgotten about that. "Which means that I get to do absolutely nothing tomorrow during training." Uno said and I groaned. I had forgotten about that.

"Yeah... I forgot about that." I mumbled and sighed as Hajime appeared and opened the cell to lead us to dinner. I guess the others ate lunch while me and Uno were escaping before we were found out.

Once we made it to the cafeteria, Hajime would occasionally glare at Jyugo and I would chuckle when he glanced at me and quickly look away as if he wasn't staring. I devoured my food since I was so hungry after all the running me and Uno did.

We made it back to the cell and I layed down on my stomach and faced the TV as Nico put on an anime and we watched it for a few hours while the others did their own thing. Uno was busy getting his 'bedtime routine' done while Rock was already passed out from eating so much while Jyugo was staring off into space.

"This is my favorite part!" Nico said as he tugged on my cloak which snapped me out of my thoughts and continued watching the anime though I didn't pay very much attention as I stared off into space for a while.

To be continued...

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