Chapter 19

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Your POV

"Hello!" Someone said as we stopped to see someone running towards us. "How goes it gentlemen?" Some dude who has really long black hair, the usual guard suit, and a white bandana thing with a red circle in the center of it ties around his head said as he ran towards us while waving.

"Oh look, Yamato's here." Uno said and I looked at him confused. "Yama who?" I asked and he sighed. "You for our apartment for night training-" "No thanks!" Uno interrupted as he grabbed me and ran in the opposite direction.

"Why are we running from him? He didn't seem like he was gonna stop us and bring us back to Hajime." I said and Uno just kept running. "He'll make us do intense training and I don't want to do that!" He let go of me and we both continued running. "Of course. I should have known after he said night training right before you cut him off you lazy bones." I chuckled and he playfully pouted.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Yamato shouted as he laughed and followed behind us. We continued running and turned corners and soon lost him. We could still hear his voice say "Could you tell me where I am first. I'm very lost at this point. I couldn't even tell you left from right." He laughed again and I snickered.

"I guess Hajime sent him here. He should have found someone who wouldn't have gotten lost so easily." I said and kept running, Uno still beside me. We stopped when we found a wall that had a blue arrow and a red arrow. One was pointing right, the other was pointing left.

"Which direction should we go in?" I asked as I peered down the dark halls. "How about a bet? If it turns out that I guess the right way to go, you do my training for me tomorrow."  Uno said with a smile and I smirked back. "Deal! But if you don't, then you have to do my training while I sit back and watch you struggle." I chuckled darkly and he smirked.

Uno began running to the right which had the blue arrow. We continued running to a room but were stopped by rows of guards with guns. "Aw Damn it." Uno said as they began to shoot. "Look out!" I shouted as I pushed Uno out of the way.

Uno's POV

We managed to pass block 21 and I smirked. 'No training for me tomorrow.' I thought until rows of guards blocked our path. "Aw Damn it!" I said as they began to shoot at me and F/N. "Look out!" I heard someone shout as I felt myself being pushed to the side. I fell to the floor and quickly looked in the direction I was pushed from and saw F/N on the floor.

"F/N!" I shouted and ran up to him. I rolled him onto his back and saw part of his face. Only his nose down. I was curious about what his eyes looked like but I shook that thought away. "F/N! Wake up! Don't die on me!" I shouted and shook him.

I noticed his hood slowly fall and I almost pulled it off his head but instead, pulled it down to cover his face. 'Don't give into temptation.' I thought and continued shaking him. "F/N wake up!" I begged and he suddenly sat up.

"Looks like they used tranquilizers instead of real bullets. Interesting." He said as if nothing happened. "But..." I started and he turned towards me, I saw a small smirk on his face as part of his hood moved. Still couldn't see his eyes though.

"Hello Uno. Thanks for worrying about me and not taking advantage and taking my hood off. But then again, there was no need to shake me so violently." He said and I went to say something but stopped for a moment. "..WAIT! YOU WERE OKAY THIS WHOLE TIME?!" I shouted and he nodded.

"Yep, I wanted to see your reaction. I guess you must really care about me. You seemed like you were gonna cry." He said and laughed. "Why the hell would you tease me like that! You scared me! I thought you died!" I said, tears in my eyes as I shook him back and forth.

"Sorry! I thought it was funny." He said and laughed again. "It was not!" I shouted back as he stood up. He pulled the tranquilizers out of him and got prepared to fight. "Let's deal with these guys. I'm a bit mad that I got hit to save your sorry ass because you weren't paying attention." He joked and I sighed.

He ran forward and began to beat up all of the guards there. 'Wow! He's strong!' I exclaimed to myself as I saw everyone in one big pile on the floor. He clapped his hands together and sighed. "Let's go!" He said and grabbed my arm and began to drag me.

'He is very interesting. He's a lot like Jyugo because he can hack into the traps and shut them off, he's like Nico since those tranquilizers didn't faze him, and he's like Rock for being so strong. He also has very soft skin.' We soon started to run. 'I still want to know why his skin is so soft.'

Your POV

We passed the room and found another that had three dogs. "PUPPIES!" I shouted and ran towards them. "Are you crazy?! They'll attack you!" Uno said as I hugged them. They didn't hurt me much less growl once I hugged them.

"How the hell did you do that?!" Uno shouted and I chuckled. "I just have this connection with animals. I don't know why but I love it!" I giggled again and continued petting them.

Uno approached and they growled. "Now you guys be nice!" I stood up and shouted at them and they sat down. "Let's go before I decide to stay here with these guys." I said and placed my hand on the dog's head. Uno nodded and we began to run.

Next room was full of holes that had spikes at the bottom and we easily jumped over them and made it to the next room which was basically a giant rock climbing playground. I chuckled and began to climb, Uno following shortly after.

The other rooms were easily passed and I sighed. "They aren't even trying! Give us something harder to do!" I shouted as we passed a room that had alligators in it. There was a bright light and we ran towards it just to be stopped by a giant door.

"Great! How are we gonna get that open?" Uno asked and I smirked. "Watch and learn." I said and approached it. "So it has a dual, padlock, and an electric block requiring a fingerprint and a voice verification. Interesting. Should be easy though." I mumbled and fiddled with a few things and unlocked it. "Ta da!" I said as I placed my hands on my hips and smiled.

"Wow! That didn't take you long." Uno said and I sighed. "It was a bit difficult. As I was fiddling with things, I found out that if I unlocked it, I would have started a countdown that would blow this door up and kill us. So I had to make sure I didn't trigger that." I explained as I opened the door.

"How did you figure that out?" Uno asked and I chuckled. "Don't worry about it." I said as I noticed Hajime was on the other side of the door.

To be continued...

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