Chapter 25

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Your POV

As Ms. Momoko brushed my hair, she hummed a happy-go-lucky tune and, as I could tell, was smiling. The soft, caring touch felt nostalgic to me. Momoko was a lot like my mother. She was kind yet had a determined and bossy side to her. Being with Momoko made me feel like my mother was here with me. I couldn't help but sigh as I fiddled with the fabric of my dress, recalling sweet, saddening memories of my parents. Momoko stopped and I turned to look at her. "Is everything alright?" She asked. I could only nod before looking away. It was silent as neither of us said anything. Momoko seemed to sigh before she continued brushing and styling my hair. "You know, if you even need someone to talk to... I'll be here for you." She said, grinning at me and I couldn't help but smile back. She was such a sweet person and I couldn't help but wish she would have been there for me when I had lost everything. I migth not have ended up here if she was there to take care of me when I needed someone the most.

Wardens POV

I was overjoyed to be spending time with F/N. I rarely got to do anything like this with someone! I hummed to myself as I brushed and braided her beautiful H/C hair. I oddly felt like a mother. Like I needed her with me. I felt worried when she was away. Wondered if she was ok and what was going on. I felt the need to protect her. I heard her sigh and noticed her nervously fidgeting with part of her dress and I grew concerned and stopped for a moment. "Is everything alright?" I asked. She looked at me and nodded before looking down at the ground. This didn't make me feel any better. 'Maybe something is bothering her.' I thought with a sigh. "You know, if you ever need someone to talk to... I'll be here for you." I said in hope of comfroting her.

I didn't like seeing her upset. I wanted to see her beautiful smile and have her laugh as if she had no care in the world. I couldn't help but sigh. 'I hope I can find a way to get her to open up more and share her feelings. Maybe I could find a way to help.' I soon finished braiding her hair then turned it into a nice, neat bun. I handed her a mirror with a smile and she slowly took it. A minute or two passed before a grin formed on her face. "This looks amazing!" She cheered and I smiled happily. "I'm glad you like it!" I said and she nodded. A moment or two passed in silence before F/N spoke. "Momoko?" She called and I hummed. "Thank you... For trying to be here for me. I really appreciate it." She spoke with a genuine smile. "Of course. I'll always be here if you ever need me, whether it is to talk, to relax, or to get away from all those boys." I chuckled and she chuckled in return.

"I know one guy you wouldn't mind spending the whole day with." She said and gave me a sly, suggestive look. I grew flustered, knowing who she was referring to and lightly punched her shoulder. "S-shut up! I mean it! It's nice to get away from them once in a while." I said and she chuckled again. "Yeah. I might take you up on that offer. Thank you again... for everything." I hugged her and she quickly hugged back. For a minute or two we stood there enjoying the friendly embrace. I felt F/N hug tighter before hesitantly releasing me. "Now it's my turn to do your hair." She said. I could tell she was more relaxed and, in turn, helped me relax a bit too as she smiled. I soon sat down in the chair F/N was once sitting in. Soon, F/N grabbed a brush and began.

Your POV

Momoko's words made me feel a bit better and I couldn't help but smile. 'Maybe I should open up to her. I'm sure that would make me feel better about everything that's happened in my life. She already knows about my parents death and all that.' I thought to myself and sighed as I gently brushed her hair. It was so soft adn easy to brush which means it will be easy to style. I smiled as I finished brushing her hair, I began thinking of styles I could do. There were many options and I decided to choose my mothers favorite style. A side french braid. It was a little difficult to do being that I've only done it a few times but I managed.

Once I finished, I gave the mirror to Ms. Momoko and her eyes basically lit up. "This is amazing! Where did you learn to french braid?" She asked and I rubbed the back of my neck. "I had learned it from my Mother. When I was younger, we always did each other's hair. That style was her favorite." I said and Ms. Momoko smiled sweetly. "I'm glad you have something like that to remember her by." She said with an unsure smile. She seemed weary of upsetting me. I just smiled back. "Why don't we start working on the makeup?" Ms. Momoko offered, suddenly changing the subject. Before I could even say a word, the doors suddenly shot open and there stood Hajime in all his glory.

Hajimes POV

I was in the middle of doing paperwork when I remembered dropping F/N off at the Warden's office. 'I should probably bring her back. She's been there for at least 5 hours.' I thought and quickly stood up and made my way to the Warden's office. Once I got there, I heard a few voices which probably belonged to F/N and the Warden as I opened the door, forgetting to knock. The Warden hid something but I wasn't sure what it was but ignored it. Who knows what she would do if I pried into her business. I shivered at the thought before growing curious. She was wearing a dress and that wasn't like her.

It was weird to say the least. Her hair was also neatly braided but it didn't really help with her deadly stare. I shivered again and sighed. "Sorry for barging in like this." I appologized in hopes The Warden wouldn't get mad. She merely nodded. "State your buisness." She demanded. I was slightly surprised she wasn't glaring at me but I quickly brushed that off and answered her. "I'm here to pick up my inmate." I glanced over at F/N and found her all dressed up as well. She was wearing a F/C silk dress that went to her knees with lacing on the sleeves. She looked good in it to say the least. Better than her always being in that shabby cloak. She also had her hair braided into a bun and the look suiter her well. She smiled and waved at me and I felt my face heat up as I stared at her.

"Wait outside for a moment. I will send her out once we're finished." The Warden spoke, causing me to avert my gaze from F/N as I felt the room. Not before bowing first. 'I wonder why F/N was dressed up like that. Also why The Warden was dressed up as well.' I thought for a moment but soon realized Kenshiro was sitting near The Warden office. "What are you doing here?" I asked him and he glanced up at me from his cup of tea. 'I swear that's all than man drinks is tea.' I shook my head with a sigh. "I knew you would show up so I waited. I have a question to ask you." He said and I sighed, crossing my arms as I leaned against the wall.

"What is it?" I asked as he carelessly took a sip of his tea. "What is your connection to this new inmate?" He asked and I looked at him confused. "What exactly do you mean?" I asked and he seemed to sigh. "He is an inmate and you are a guard and yet, the way you two interact with each other makes me think you and that inmate are close. Close enough to be friends by my observation." He said and I glanced to the side. 'I can't tell him anything about F/N.' I thought and looked back at him. "There is no connection between us. He's just one of my inmates." I said but, when speaking those words, there was a slight pain in my chest. I just shrugged it off as Kenshiro hummed in response.

"I think you are hiding something from The Warden and everyone else." He said and I shook my head. "The Warden knows everything pertaining to this inmate." I said and sighed once more. Kenshiro was quiet for a moment as he sipped his cup of tea as if in thought. I began to grow impatient as I waited for F/N to come out. Me and Kenshiro waited in silence until F/N finally came out of the warden's office in her usual prison uniform and cloak. "About time." I said, a little agitated. "Sorry. We had a few things to do and I had to change back into my usual clothes." She apologized. I sighed before walking away, F/N trailing behind me. Jut before we left the room, Kenshiro stood up and stopped F/N by tapping her on the shoulder.

I looked over at Kenshiro with a glare as F/N turned to look at him. "I only want to ask him a few questions." He said and I sighed. "Don't waste my time Kenshiro. I have paper work to catch up on." I tell him before leaning against the wall, a little annoyed with this situation. "If you have so much paperwork to do then leave. You can always come back and get your inmate." He said and I growled under my breath. "I've come all this way to pick up my inmate so I won't leave witout him so hurry up with whatever you're gonna ask so we can leave." He eyes me suspiciously before turning to F/N. 'Hopefully he doesn't ask too many questions. Or any personal questions at least.' I sighed, lighting a cigarette as I watched them, making sure nothing bad happens between them.

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