Chapter 7

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Your POV

A few minutes of walking we finally made it to the training ground. I let go of my cell mates and walked up to Hajime. "So what are we going to do first?" I asked. "Everybody line up. We will have a race between inmates. The first to do 100 laps wins a prize." Hajime yelled at the other inmates. "Hey Hajime what will the winner get?" I tilted my head to the side, curiously. "Nothing. I just said that to get them to do their training. You will also participate. ok." He looked at me then back to the others. "I will win this to prove to you that you can rely on me to help you chase escaping inmates. How about that being my prize if I win?" I smiled. "Fine, do what you want." he sighed. "Yay!" I hug Hajime and line up with the other inmates. "Ready, Go." Hajime yelled and everyone started to race. I zoomed past everyone in a blink of an eye and was ahead by 7 laps. After a few minutes, I finished all of the laps and stood next to Hajime waiting for the others to finish. "Looks like you have done some training yourself." Hajime says looking down at me. "Actually remember what I told you about those experiments? After I was set free I had gained more speed, strength, and heightened scenes. That's why I can go so fast." I said looking down. I felt a hand land on my head. I look up and see that it was Hajime. "Huh?" I tilted my head to the side wondering why he did it. "Don't let it get to you. Those experiments might help you later on in your life." He said looking back to the other inmates. "Thank you." I say, hugging Hajime. Not realizing my hood was falling I saw Hajimes hand go over my face, pulling my hood back over it. "Next time make sure your hood stays on. Ok?" Hajime said, his hand still over my face holding my hood there as he looks in the opposite direction of me. "You saw my face didn't you?" I say worried. If he saw my face he could tell the Warden and I could end up leaving this place. There are nice people here and to be honest i don't want to leave. "No I didn't. I just want to make sure your hood stays on unless you take it off." He looks back at me letting go of my hood. "Thank you for that." I say still hugging him. "Can you let go the others are coming over here." "Oh sorry." I let go and looked at the ground. "How are you so fast?!" As I remember his name was Uno asked me while trying to catch his breath. "I just am. Looks like you need more training Uno.'' I tease patting his head. "Hey you remembered my name. How about that poker match?" he asked, jumping up with stars in his eyes. "When we get back to the cell we can do that ok?" "Ok." he walked off to join some other inmates I'm not familiar with. "Looks like you have already made friends." Hajime said, keeping an eye on the others. "Well of course I have! You're one of them!" I say nudging him with my elbow. He looked down at me, surprise plastered on his face. "My inmates are usually scared of me." He seemed kinda sad when he said that. "Well I'm not scared of you. You haven't given me a reason to be. Since we're friends we can tell each other secrets and have some nice conversations with each other. How does that sound? Hajime." I look up at him waiting for a response. "That actually sounds... kinda nice." He lets out a sigh as he said it. "Great! I can't wait to have someone like you to talk to." "What do you mean someone like me?" he questioned, looking angry. "What I mean by that is someone that has a hard exterior but has a kind heart and will do anything for someone they care about." I smiled. "And how did you get all of that in only a day?" "I pay attention to what goes on around me." I say waving bye to him because I want to do some pull ups. "He is something else." Hajime said under his breath except for the fact that I was able to hear him. I just pretended that I didn't hear it and continued to walk over to the equipment. After about an hour, we headed back to the cell. "Don't forget about what I said earlier and my prize." I say entering my cell. "Oh and do you think that when I'm out of here I could become a guard here?" I asked Hajime. "I have a feeling you would." He says walking away.

"Hey F/N I thought we would be doing a poker match when we got back." Uno said, pouting. "Oh right. Get everything set up. I'll be there in a bit." I say standing by the cell door. "Maybe I can be a guard here." I think to myself starting to walk towards Uno. "Lets see who the better poker player is. But obviously it's me." Uno starts to brag as we play the card game. "Actually I think I'm the better player." I say putting down my hand. "I have a royal flush." I say crossing my arms with a smug expression on my covered face. "W-wait how did you do that?! Hajime is the only one who has beaten me in poker!" He exclaims, standing up with his hands on his head in disbelief. "I used to play poker all the time when I was younger." I say standing up and walking towards Nico. "Hey Nico, how about we watch an episode of your favorite anime." I say sitting next to him. "Ooh yay lets go." He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the tv. I grab my hood because it almost fell off. We sit down and start watching My Hero Academia. We decided to watch the whole first season and were about to watch the second one but a click sound was heard coming from the cell door. "Hey, it's Hajime!" I say walking up to him. "Hey F/N." He says then turns to my cell mates. "Get your asses up, it's time for you guys to eat." He says then walks out of the cell and stands in the doorway waiting for the other inmates. "Yay time to get some grub!" Rock exclaimed walking towards Hajime. The others following behind.

(Small time skip)
"This food is delicious!" I exclaim putting another spoon full of rice in my mouth. "I know!" Rock says with a mouthful of food. I saw the chef coming our direction and decided to thank him. "Hey thank you for the food. Its delicious. I have never tasted anything like it!" I exclaimed with a smile. He just looked at me then walked away. "Did I say something it shouldn't have?" I asked everyone and they just told me that he isn't much for talking. "Oh ok. I thought I insulted him or something." I did a sigh of relief and looked in the direction he went and saw him coming. I looked in his hands and see a huge cake. He placed it down in front of me and walked away. "I guess he liked your compliment." Jyugo said as we all stared at the cake. "Ooh it has strawberries! I love strawberries!" I exclaimed with a bit of drool coming from my mouth. I cut slices of the cake and handed them to the others. "Im sure I could eat all of this by myself but since you guys are my friends Ill share it." I said and started eating my slice. "Yay a new friend!" Nice exclaimed hugging me. "Wait? Were your friends? But you barely know us." Jyugo said, surprised. "You guys dont know much about me either. Besides, we all seem to have things in common and we get along. I also enjoy you guys' company." I said, returning Nicos hug. "Well I was actually hoping we all could be friends." Uno said and he leaned back in his seat. "Starting today we all are now friends and we can share things with each other and learn more about each other." I smiled as I finished up my slice of cake.

When we got back me and Nico watched a few episodes of My Hero Academia then Hajime walked in and told us that it was time for us to go to bed and of course I ran up to him and hugged him. "Night Hajime. I'll see you in the morning." I let go and he left. I looked around and saw that  there were only enough beds for the four that were already there. "Uh guys. There's not enough beds." I pointed out and the others looked at each other. "We all could take turns. Like you could sleep with one of us tonight then tomorrow, you can sleep with someone else." Uno suggested and it wasn't a bad idea but I was mostly afraid of my hood coming off while I slept. I decided that it would be fine and we agreed that I would take turns sleeping with one of them. But it was weird to be honest. I wasnt used to sleeping with anyone but I trusted them. 'This place isn't as bad as I thought. Maybe, when I'm out of here, I'll become a guard.' I smiled to myself as I snuggled the blanket me and Uno shared. 'Yeah. That's a great idea.' I smiled more then fell asleep.

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