Chapter 29

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Your POV

I felt my consciousness return and I yawned. Feeling as if I was floating, I grew confused and quickly looked up, causing my hood to fall off, as I found myself being carried by Hajime. I was pressed up against his chest and was tightly wrapped up in his arms. My face grew hot as I internally began freaking out. “Finally awake?” His deep voice said as he looked down at me. My face grew hotter for our faces were only a few inches apart. “Uh…” Was all I could say as I stared at him. “Kenshiro brought you back after you fell asleep.” He told me as he placed me down on the ground.

My heart was racing but I felt happy but also a little disappointed when he released me for some reason. “The idiots wouldn’t stop whining today. They kept asking me where you were and how long you were going to be gone. They are even refusing to sleep until you get back.” Hajime told me and I chuckled. “Did they really?” I asked and he nodded. “You might want to prepare yourself. They’ll most likely tackle you to the ground so keep hold of your hood.” He said and I nodded, quickly placing my hood back over my face and held it there as we began to approach my cell. 

“F/N!” They all shouted simultaneously as I approached and entered my cell and, just like Hajime said, they tackled me to the floor with a loving embrace. I laughed. “We missed you so much!” Uno said, hugging me tighter. I heard a growl come from Hajime but thought nothing of it as I hugged everyone back. “I missed you guys too.” I said and, for a couple of minutes we all laid there before they finally released me. “Why were you gone for so long?” Nico asked and I shrugged as I sat up. “We had a lot more to talk about than I thought.” I said. I glanced at Hajime and found him glaring at the others.

“You ok Hajime?” I asked and he looked over at me and his expression softened slightly. “Yeah. Just tired. You guys should go to bed too. It’s already late enough. You should have gone to bed hours ago.” He grumbled and shut the cell door and turned out the lights. “Night Hajime.” I said and he nodded. “So, what did you and Kenshiro talk about?” Jyugo asked and I shrugged. “He just asked a few questions. That’s about it.” I said and they looked at me.

“What? Don’t believe me?” I asked and they shook their heads. “Just wondering how only asking a few questions caused you to be gone all day.” Rock said, sprawling out on the floor. “All we did was ask each other questions. That’s it.” I told them. Nico smiled and layed down across my lap. “No matter! I’m just glad you’re back!” He said and I smiled. “I’m glad to be back.” I said, stroking Nico’s head gently. “We all should go to bed. We’ll need our energy if we’re gonna try escaping again tomorrow.” Jyugo said and I shook my head. 

“Of course you’re thinking of escaping.” I chuckled and he chuckled in return. “I guess I’ll join you guys on this one. Help you guys out as a way of apologizing for being gone for so long.” I said and they all cheered. “Oh this is gonna be fun!” Rock said and I nodded. “It will be but we won’t be able to if you all are tired and lack energy so get some sleep.” I told them and they all nodded and finally laid down. Nico was still on my lap and I maneuvered him and hugged him close. He giggled and hugged me in return as we soon fell asleep. But only an hour or so passed before someone woke me up. 

I wasn’t sure who or what it was as I groaned and slowly opened my eyes and looked around. It was empty here. All I could see was a vast white area of nothingness. “Hello?” I called as I slowly stood up. “Is anyone there?” I was growing nervous as I looked around, hoping to find someone who might be able to help. I noticed two familiar figures in the distance and my eyes widened in shock. ‘No! It can’t be!’ I began to run towards them without hesitation. “MOM! DAD!” I called and they turned towards me with big smiles. 

Tears pricked the corner of my eyes as I embraced the both of them. “Hello my dear.” My mothers sweet voice called as she and my father hugged me back. “I missed you! I missed you guys so much! Please don’t leave me again!” I cried as I hugged them tighter. They both chucked. I missed their embrace and I was just so happy to see them again. “I am so glad you guys are here. But… how? I saw you guys die.” I said but they both looked at me confused. “What do you mean? We’ve been here the whole time. Did some kid from school tell you that?” My mother asked and I was more confused than they were. 

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