Chapter 27

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Your POV

I chuckled nervously at this Blue haired boys question as I scratched the back of my neck. “I should probably have asked you that. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around here. Based on your uniform, you must be one of the guards or somehting similar.” I said and he chuckled nervously as he stood up. He offered hand to me and I gladly took it. “I’m Seitarou. I-it’s a pleasure to meet you Miss.” He said sweetly. I had to resist the urge to hug him. He was adorable I couldn't help but smile at him. “Well, I’m F/N. It's a pleasure to finally meet you Seitarou. I’ve heard a few things about you from my fellow inmates and Hajime.” I said. A look of surprise came across Seitarou’s face. ‘I was waiting for that.’ I thought and smiled.

Seitarou’s POV

‘This is F/N?! I thought F/N was a guy!’ I thought as I stared at her. She was quite beautiful with her red eye and her long H/C hair. I noticed the eye patch but didn’t ask. I didn’t want to accidentally offend her. I suddenly realized she wasn’t in a cell and frantically looked around. 'I hope Hajime doesn't find out about her escaping! He'll have my head!' I thought as I quickly tuned back to F/N. “Why aren't you in your cell?!” I asked and she just smiled. “I was actually on my way to my cell. I just came back from The Wardens.” She said and I noticed she leaned forward and picked up the rest of the papers on the floor and handed them to me.

“I believe these are yours. I apologize for bumping into you. I hope you didn’t hurt yourself.” She said with an apologetic smile as she rubbed the back of her neck. I blushed slightly as I shook my head. “It’s alright! I-it’s not your fault. I w-wasn’t watching where I was going either.” I admitted and she chuckled happily. It soon grew awkward as silence formed between us. “So... I hope you have a good day. Also, Hajime wanted me to tell you that he’s at The Wardens just in case you're looking for him.” She waved and ran off, putting her hood back over her head as she ran.

I sighed and stared at the papers. ‘She’s cute. And really nice.’ I thought as I remembered her helping me pick up the papers I was struggling to carry. “Maybe we’ll get to talk again.” I mumbled and smiled to myself. I never expected there to be a female inmate being that this is an all male prison. ‘Maybe she got in here because she hides her face so she was mistaken for a male. Everyone else here thinks she’s a male. I’ll have to keep this a secret. For F/N.’ I sighed and decided to go to Hajimes office to place down the paperwork before I dropped it again.

Your POV

I sighed as I entered my cell. ‘It hasn’t even been a full day and two new people have found out. I need to find a way to keep this from happening.’ I thought just as Nico hugged me. “Welcome back F/N!” He cheered and I chuckled as I patted his head. “Hello Nico.” I smiled at him as he giggled. Rock peered over my shoulder with a slightly confused expression. “Why isn’t Hajime with you? Did you leave him behind or something?” Rock asked and I shook my head. “He forgot to tell The Warden something so he had to go back.” I told him and he groaned. “I hope he doesn’t take too long. I’m starving!" He complained and Uno sighed. “We just had lunch a few minutes ago. You can wait another minute or two.” Jyugo said and Rock frowned. 

I chuckled. Rock loves food and I do too. But I wasn’t always hungry like he was. He’s always complaining he’s hungry even when he just got through eating. “So, what did you guys do while I was with The Warden?” I asked and Uno sighed again. “Well, we had to build something and carve wood and I had made a cute bunny girl and got hit by Hajime. Same with Nico though he made this robot thing. Rock and Jyugo had made a dresser. It was well done but they had added an automatic drawer opener and it had hit Hajime in the face. They got punished for that too. Hajime doesn't understand what a true masterpiece is!” Uno pouted and I chuckled at his expression.

“It wasn’t our fault it hit him in the face! He was the one standing in front of it when the drawer popped out!” Jyugo argued and I chuckled once more. “Should have expected something like that to happen.” I said and stretched. “What did you do while you were with The Warden?” Jyugo asked me and I shrugged. “Nothing worth mentioning.” I said and surprisingly, none of them pushed the subject. Nico quickly grabbed my arm, startling me a bit as he dragged me towards the Tv. “Don’t worry. I didn’t tell them anything.” He whispered and I smiled and patted his head. “Thank you.” I said and he giggled and leaned against me as he turned the Tv on and put on some anime. Nico seemed really happy and I smiled as I wrapped my arm around his shoulders as we watched. 

After a few hours, I noticed Nico had fallen asleep. I smiled as I gently laid him down on my lap and stroked his head, turning off the TV in the process. I looked around and found everyone else asleep as well. I shook my head just as Hajime appeared. “Took you long enough. What have you been doing this whole time?” I asked and he sighed. “The discussion with The Warden took longer than I thought. Also, Kenshiro was there.” He mumbled, frowing slightly but also seemed a little relieved. 'Maybe because he wasn't alone with the Warden being that he is afraid of her.' I thought before growing curious.  “What did you guys talk about if you don't mind me asking.” He paused for a moment before resonding. “The New Year is coming up and she was telling me a few things to prepare for and what to expect.” He said and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

‘I bet The Warden enjoyed talking with Hajime for those few hours. Even if Kenshiro was there.’ I thought as Hajime gave me a questioning look. “What’s so funny?” He asked and I shrugged. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it.” I tell him as I gently remove Nico from my lap before standing up. I dusted myself off and approached Hajime. “What exactly are the New Year events you and The Warden were talking about?” He sighed before turning his head to the side, causing it to crack as he rubbed his neck. “Stuff I already knew was going to happen.” He stated plainly. “We usually have competitions between chosen buildings and each competition is done by different inmates. Some also have the guards participate. Sometimes the guards and inmated have to be paired up for some activities.” He explained and my eyes lit up with excitement.

“Really?! We get to participate in this?!” I was practically jumping in excitement and he chuckled. “Depends on if The Warden chooses our building and cell to participate. Though, my building always participates for some reason.” He sounded a bit annoyed by that but I couldn’t help but grin. ‘She chooses this building just so she can see Hajime. How cute.’ I chuckled but, for some reason, I felt a little… how should I say this… put off maybe. When I think of how fond she is of Hajime, it makes me feel a little uneasy. I don’t know why. I shook my head and sighed once more before smiling again. “What types of activities would we do if we are chosen to participate?” I asked and he shrugged. “You’ll have to wait and find out.” He smirked for a moment. I loved it when he smiled. I loved his smirk more though.

It showed the competitive side of him and I felt slightly drawn to that. “Anyway, I have a bunch of paperwork to catch up on. Besides, you should get some rest. You're going to that damn Monkeys building tomorrow.” He frowned at the mention of him while I grinned. “Ok! I’ll see you tomorrow then.” He nodded before walking off, turning out the lights to the prison. I yawn, finally feeling the dreariness for today as I lay down beside Nico. ‘Today was fun. I’m glad I actually got to meet Seitarou. Even if it wasn’t the best of circumstances.’ I sighed as I thought of that blue haired boy. He was kinda cute to say the least. I yawned once more before cuddling up to Nico and soon fell asleep.

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