Chapter twenty nine - Together.

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Steve and Bucky walked through the fifth corridor on their search for Evan and Amelia. Bucky wasn't sure on how they would escape, or where they would find Evan and Amelia, but he knew one thing was for sure.

He wasn't leaving the building until Evan and Amelia were by his side.

"So what's the plan?" Steve questioned as if Bucky was his captain. 

"We get Evan and Amelia and punch anyone who get's in our way."

"Okay then." Steve said casually, as if he wasn't surprised. Bucky and Steve walked along the corridors, no weapons -- just a bionic arm and two soldiers from the twentieth century who have been injected with the super soldier serum who have had a really awful day. And they figured that was enough to save their friends and to get the hell out of there.

They were just about to turn another corner when they almost crashed into someone. Bucky and Steve stepped back and examined who was in front of them. Two big guards, dressed in their usual gear, were escorting a skinny and fragile boy by his arms to some place Bucky didn't even want to know of. He noticed the boy was Evan, and his head was facing the floor until he noticed that the guards were no longer walking. He lifted his head up to see what was happening, and what Bucky and Steve saw made them angry.

The skin around Evan's eye was rayless red, purple and swollen, and his chin had dry blood on it that came from a cut that was on his bottom lip.

Bucky and Steve didn't hesitate.

Bucky practically jumped on the one guy, punching him straight on his nose and then jumping up into the air and kicking his chest harsh-fully so that he fell backwards. Steve flung himself towards the other and punched him round the face too, once or twice before knocking him out instantly. Evan just stood in the middle of it all, not knowing what to do. Once their opponents were down, they turned to Evan, who just removed his hands away from his face defensibly.

He stared at Steve and Bucky for a short moment, trying to progress what just happened while his mouth was parted slightly in surprised. "Well, you sure took your time!"

Bucky didn't know what to say. "A simple thank you would be nice."

It then went quiet for a few seconds. Evan continued to look at Bucky with wide eyes, Bucky looked at Evan with furrowed brows, and Steve looked at the both of them, equally confused.

"Come here." Evan said and then chuckled, despite the situation they were in. He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Bucky. "I'm so happy to see you!"

Bucky stood there frozen. "Should we really be hugging now?"

"Oh, right. Forgot you're not the type to hug." Evan responded awkwardly and then immediately pulled away. 

"It's just, you know, we're trying to find Amelia." Steve spoke up. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Beside the sore, bruised face and the overwhelming fear that I could die any minute."

Bucky rolled his eyes. He took it that Evan's usual sarcastic and stupid remarks was a good sign of health. "Listen, we don't have much time. Amelia, where is she?"

"Uh," Evan gulped, "I don't-- they took her in some room but I don't..."

"It's fine, we'll get her." Steve spoke up, putting a reassuring hand on Evan's shoulder. Evan looked at Steve with sad, puppy eyes and nodded his head, believing that Steve and Bucky will do their best to get his best friend back. 

"And I'll help."

Bucky nodded in agreement, understanding why Evan wanted to help. It wasn't like he had much options, anyway.

They continued their search for Amelia, looking in every room and knocking out any guards with a stealth speed who were unfortunate enough to have encountered Bucky, Steve and Evan. The blazing, red alarms that went off earlier started again when someone realised that Steve and Bucky had escaped, and now everyone was on the look for them again. Only this time the three made sure not to get trapped again.

It wasn't long until they saw another metal door with a couple of agents guarding it. It would make sense that only two were guarding the door. Amelia wasn't anything like Bucky; she was just ordinary. 

Two of the guards panicked when they saw Bucky and Steve, knowing they had no chance. Steve pushed the one back until his head hit the door, and he fell down unconscious. The other fumbled for his gun, but Bucky managed to punch him round the face before he got a chance to pull it out. He too, fell unconscious.

"If she's in there then you need to hurry up." Steve told him, "they know you'll come straight here to get Amelia, and now they have control over CCTV."

"I know." Bucky responded, and didn't hesitate into kicking the door with a strong force that it opened easily. He looked around the room until his eyes fell upon a weak figure sitting on the floor as she leaned against the wall for support. The room was practically empty, there was only a wooden table and two chairs, as if the room was a questioning room. Her head lolled forward so that she was looking down at her lap, except that her eyes were closed. He froze when he saw her like this. Her shirt was no where to be seen, and her skin was all bruised and bloody and on her side you could see faint marks of a foot print from when she had been kicked. She barely even stirred when Bucky called out her name.

"Amelia..." He started, and crouched down beside her when he got close enough. The more he saw how broken she was in detail, the more the sadness and rage grew inside him. She most likely had a couple of broken ribs, and she had harsh cuts and scractches that were purposely there from a knife. Not deep enough to make her bleed to death but enough to hurt her. Bucky remembered something like this happening before, like a faint image in the back of his mind trying to scratch through the surface. They were probably going to torture information out of Evan next.

"Amelia, hey. Come on, Amelia." Bucky whispered soothingly as he tried to get her to open her eyes. He brushed some of her hair out of her face.

Amelia let out a small mumble, but that was about it. Bucky took his blazer off and put it around Amelia's bare shoulders before scooping her up in his arms. 

"W-whats going on?" Amelia questioned, so quietly that Bucky almost didn't hear.

"Were getting you out of here." Bucky replied, exiting the room. Evan and Steve looked at Amelia with sympathy. Evan's heart began racing against his chest and he tried to stop the tears that prickled in his eyes. 

"Bucky...?" She slightly mumbled, her eyes beginning to open but the brightness around her made it hard for her to focus.

"Yes," Bucky said intensely, gazing back at her as he held in closely to his body. "I'm here. I've got you."

"You should have just..." Amelia trailed on, "I'm just going to slow you down."

"Don't be an fucking idiot. Of course we're not going to leave you." Evan told her, staying between Steve and Bucky in case someone jumped out of nowhere and started to fight them. And Evan was defenceless. Despite how weak Amelia was, she was still able to fight back at Evan when he swore at her.

"Don't be a rude bitch."

"Listen-" Bucky started again, ignoring Amelia's previous comment to Evan. Steve stood there and listened, he was slightly shocked at the attitude Amelia had when she was all beaten up like this. But he admired her. He had only known Evan and Amelia for a short while and already he knows that they're kind-hearted people with a huge amount of courage to have come here with Bucky to save him, Steve Rogers -- someone they've never met before. Bucky continued "You're not going to slow us down. We're going to get out. All of us. Together.

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