Chapter eleven - Triggering memories.

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"When are you going to teach me to fight some more?" Amelia inquires, "I kinda miss you punching me in the face."

"I will after this movie." He responds, his eyes glued to the screen watching The Conjuring. Amelia groans silently, bored out of her mind. She had watched the film at least three times before with Evan when she goes to visit him, but that was bearable because she was more interested in Evan's reactions than the actual movie. She swore the film gave him heart failure.

"There's no point now, its nearly seven." She says, glancing at the clock. "Promise to train me tomorrow morning?"

"Promise." He says, still staring at the TV screen. She wasn't sure why he was so interested in the film, she didn't find it that interesting herself.

"Why are you so interested in the film?"

"Does it look like I've watched a load of possession films?"

"...Not really."

"Exactly. It's interesting to me, now be quiet."

Amelia huffed and leaned back on the sofa. She was being told to be quiet in her own home. She folded her arms and stared at the TV, having no other choice but to watch the film. Sure, she could grab her laptop and surf the internet, but her laptop was upstairs and she felt too comfortable on the sofa.

Suddenly the light turns itself off, along with the TV. The room goes dark and for a moment Amelia thinks there was actually a spirit in her apartment, but obviously there was a logical explanation for this.

"What's happened?" Bucky asks. The sun was still up outside so she could just about see him through the darkness.

"I probably ran out of electricity." She answers, and then there's a knock on her door. She gets up and walks to her door, and Bucky stands and hides somewhere in case it was HYDRA again. She opens it and see's that it was Hayley, the women who lived in the apartment next door with her boyfriend. Amelia lets out a quiet sigh of relief.

"Hey," She greets happily, "I was just wondering if your power has gone off too?"

"Yeah, it has." Amelia answers, and Bucky hears there conversation and comes out of hiding, knowing he was safe. He doesn't show himself to her neighbor though, in case she recognized him for the news. "There must be a power cut in the building."

"Hmm." Hayley agree's, "That sucks. I hope it gets fixed soon."

"Me too." Amelia replies, and Hayley lets out a small sigh.

"Aright then, I'll let you get back to your boyfriend."

"My boyfriend?" Amelia raises her brow and Hayley smirks.

"Don't think I haven't noticed that hot hunk walk into our apartment building with ya. I swear, I could see those abs through his shirt, but don't tell Chris that I've been lookin'." She winks at Amelia. Amelia chuckles at her, even though it wasn't true. And Bucky is sitting on the couch smirking because of the compliments he was receiving.

"I've got to go," Amelia tells her, and she nods in understanding, "See you around."

"You too," She gives you a small wave and walks towards her apartment, "Bye!"

She closes her front door and walks back into the living room. She looks at Bucky and notices that he was smirking slightly. She rolls her eyes playfully, "Looks like there's a power cut."

"When will the power come back on?"

"No idea."

Bucky sighs, already addicted to watching shows and films. He was more out going in the past, always flirting with women and feeling extremely proud of going in the war (according to the information he read at the Smithsonian.) But now he couldn't really go out otherwise he could be caught by HYDRA. It was boring to stay inside your house back then, so he normally went out on dates or to the bar with Steve. But now there was laptops and films to watch and other fun stuff to do, but now the power had gone off and there was nothing interesting to do.

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