Chapter six - Shopping.

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Last night while Bucky was sleeping Amelia decided to do some research. She stayed up until two am, finding more information about Bucky then intended. Or, should she say James? Apparently that was his real name.

After she found out he knew Captain America and that he was named 'The Winter Solider' Amelia thought there would be some information about him on Google; although people believed that the 'Winter Soldier' was just a legend, he was real. And the some of the assassinations he did (the ones peopled believed the Winter Soldier had done. Most of his assassinations were probably private with HYDRA) were messy. Literally, there were bombings and stabbings and torture.

By nature the Winter Soldier was violent, but James Buchanan Barnes was quite laidback, calm, funny. Bucky and the Winter Soldier were both different people, and only Amelia, Steve Rogers and HYDRA (as far as she knew) knew that Bucky was the Winter Soldier. Maybe because Bucky's memory was wiped he had no other thing to do but to fight for HYDRA. They must have planted thoughts into his head that he was doing the right thing, because there was no way someone as nice as Bucky could do anything like what the Winter Soldier had done without reason.

Maybe that's why Bucky was so far nice to Amelia. Maybe that's the real Bucky coming to the surface, because he's no longer helping HYDRA.

Amelia sighed, and decided that today she would take him to the Smithsonian so that he could learn more about himself and try to regain some memory. She told herself it was unnecessary to show him what the Winter Soldier had done in the past that he couldn't remember.

Bucky came downstairs after waking up, shirtless, yet again. Amelia coughs awkwardly and smiles at him. He raises his eyebrows at her, confused to why she was dressed. "Are you going somewhere?"

"Yes. We are going somewhere," She corrects, picking up a coat and a cap, "I asked next door if I could burrow his old coat. It should fit, it's to help you blend in and that's why you have to wear the cap too."

He slowly takes the coat and cap from her, still furrowing his eyebrows at her, "Where are we going?"

"Well, turns out you were Steve's best friend. We're going to the Smithsonian so you can know more about yourself and maybe jog your memory a little, and then we're going to buy you some clothes and getting us some pizza."

"Wait, slow down." He say's, "What's a Smithsonian and Pizza?"

She blinks at him a few times, surprised, "...What's Pizza?"

He roll's his eyes. She was making him feel stupid.

"The Smithsonian is a group of museums and research centers administered by the United States government. And Pizza is one of the tastiest food's you can buy. Now get your shirt on."

Bucky doesn't ask any more questions. He goes upstairs as ordered and puts his shirt on, followed by the coat and cap. He already had his trousers on so that was fine, but he didn't have any spare shoes to use so he put on his combat boots that was apart of his uniform. At least the coat covered his arm, so hopefully no one would know who he was.

When they were both ready they got into Amelia's car and drove to the Smithsonian. Amelia watched him as he read every bit of information about himself and Captain America. He couldn't believe it. It was him, and that was his picture on the screen. It was him and Steve.

They were in there for at least two hours. Bucky found it all too much, but knowing facts about himself and about his personality and that he was alive in the 1940's still didn't jog any memory. He couldn't remember anything.

"Don't worry, it'll take some time," Amelia starts, trying to sooth him, "...Would you like me to call you James or Bucky?"

That was a good question. What shall he be called? He was used to being called Bucky, he had grown quite attached to the name. Beside, it seemed that everyone called him that anyway.

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