Chapter nine - Food and films.

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Amelia and Bucky stayed inside for the next few days since the 'government' came to see Amelia. They thought it was best to stay low for a while, so Amelia decided to introduce Bucky to some films. She didn't have much films, and she thought Bucky would be interested in fantasy/action movies so she showed him one of her favourite movies 'The Lord Of The Rings' and part two and three that followed after that. At first he was confused, but then Amelia explained how the world in the film was made up and it was based after a novel. He then understood and soon came to love the movie. Legolas was Amelia's favourite character and Bucky just loved the film and the characters in general.

When a week had passed and she decided it was time to go out. The food cupboards, fridge and freezer was becoming empty and they couldn't stay inside forever. Plus, a day ago she had run out of cat food so decided to feed Alaska the rest of the ham slices. Her cat would starve if they didn't buy any food for her.

"Get dressed," She ordered as soon as she walked through the living room door, interrupting Bucky from watching a Wildlife documentary while he was eating a bowl of cereal. Amelia gave him a strange look, she was sure he now knew how to change over the tv channel. "We're going shopping."

"Why?" He questioned. Amelia sat next to him and gave him another look.

"Because we need to buy some food. Unless you want to eat cereal for the rest of your days."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? HYDRA and probably the rest of the police force, including SHIELD are probably looking for me."

"I bought you some new clothes and gave you a hair cut, they shouldn't recognize you. Just keep your head low. We're just going to the supermarket anyway."

Bucky lets out a groan, feeling too comfortable to move from the spot he was in. He had woken up on the couch and planned on staying on there for the rest of the day.

"And why on earth are you watching a documentary about penguins having sex?"

"They're not having sex." Bucky defends. Amelia lets out a laugh.

"Whatever, go and get dressed then I'll teach you how to shop for food."

"I think I'll know how to do that, thank you very much."

"Do you know what foods to get? What's good and what isn't? What about prices? Things have changed a lot, you know."

"I think I would manage."

"I'll let you push the shopping cart. Plus I'm too lazy to do the adding up and you're the smart one."

Bucky finishes his last bite of cereal and sent her a look, "I'm the one who's good at fighting, you're the one who's good at math."

With a roll of her eyes, she snatched the bowl and spoon out of his hands and stood up, "Dressed. Now."

She walked into the kitchen and put the bowl in the sink while Bucky let out another small groan. He stood up lazily and walked up the stairs and into Amelia's room. He had kept his clothes folded up in one of Amelia's black suitcases, which was Amelia's idea as she thought it would be good for Bucky to use it as his personal draw. He puts on a pair of black jeans and a white shirt, along with his new his jacket and he also puts his coat on as it was cold outside, and it would also help to cover his metal arm more. After he was dressed he went out of Amelias room and stopped at the top of the stairs when he saw Amelia, who was waiting by the front door.

"Have you brushed your teeth?"

He furrows his eyes. He wasn't sure why she ordered him around. She did say she was going to teach him how to live as an ordinary person would live in this century, but he wasn't too keen on the bossiness. However he knew how to read people, and he knew that Amelia was the type to be controlling because she likes to make sure everything is done correctly. Instead of snapping at her, Bucky just let her continue. He thought she was actually a lovely woman and he wanted her help more than anything. He had to keep himself on her good side.

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