Chapter seven - Hair cut.

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Amelia yawns, walking out the kitchen with a hot mug of coffee in her hands. She couldn't have tea as she ran out of tea bags but she didn't mind coffee. She sat back down on the sofa, grabbing the remote and switching on the TV.

She woke up early and nothing interesting was on yet other than the news. She sighs, putting the remote down and watches the news, taking a sip of her coffee. A news reported was just explaining what detail they had on the SHIELD and HYDRA battle, but most of it is confidential and that they would tell us if they find any more information. Then the weather came on, and they explained that we should be expecting sun with a bit of rain during the week. Amelia puts her mug of coffee on the coffee table and picks up her phone, seeing she had a message from Evan.

From Evan: Fine then bitch I will be the one to start talking to you after two weeks of silence. I've been sooo busy lately! SHIELD was nearly destroyed by HYDRA and I had to try and save all the computer data. How fun! Anyway, I'm re-watching Game Of Thrones while eating a massive bowl of popcorn, wishing you were here to share them with me. Oh well, more for me:)

She grinned as she read the message, quickly typing a message back.

To Evan: Sorry for late reply, I just read your message. I heard about the battle a few days ago on the news. You live near SHIELD so did you see everything in HD? Was it cool? Was you in the building at the time?  Is everything there okay?

She hits send and opens her Tumblr app. She knew Evan was probably asleep from staying up all night watching Game Of Thrones, so she didn't expect a reply anytime soon.

Her attention goes away from her phone and to the TV as she hears the reporter mention 'urgent news.' She saw that on her telly was a photo of Bucky. The man in the background talking explained that people should phone the number below if they see him as he was an highly dangerous man. Amelia grabs the sky remote and pauses the TV, rising to her feet and quickly runs to her room, shaking him awake.

Bucky woke with a start, looking at the woman shaking him awake with her hair a mess and her phone in her hand. He looked at her confusingly.

"You're on the news."


"You're on the news," she repeats, grabbing his hand and dragging him downstairs. She pressed play on the remote and watched the TV as it played. Bucky stared at it, not really surprised. Amelia however was filled with worry. She looked at Bucky's calm expression, "We have to be careful."

"I know."

"If someone see's you they will phone the police, or HYDRA, or SHIELD but HYDRA will come because apparently HYDRA took over SHIELD. I'm so confused." Amelia sighed. Who was she to trust? HYDRA could have taken over the police force too, or the government, like the did with SHIELD. And was SHIELD okay now? Did they win? Who knows.

Bucky didn't know what else to say. He knew they had to be careful, he was planning on being careful anyway. He looked at the couch below him, seeing the cream fleece that was left on there from when Amelia had slept. He immediately felt bad. His wounds had healed now, and he was still taking Amelia's bed.

"Look's comfortable," He comments, nodding at the sofa, "I think I'll sleep here."

"Huh?" Amelia raised her eyebrow, "You want to sleep on the couch when you have the choice on sleeping on a comfortable bed? What's wrong with you?" She joked. He looked at her seriously and shrugged.

"This looks comfortable too, like I said. You can sleep in your bed, It is yours after all."

"Well, okay then." She says, not bothering to argue. She missed her bed anyway. 

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