Chapter two - Fights.

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Bucky stayed quiet. For the first time in ages he didn't know what to say. Maybe it's because he's never broke into someones house before in order to try and heal his own wounds. Or maybe it was because he felt weak and she was the one with a knife in her hands.

He considered his options; even if she struck him with her knife he would heal, it's one of the perks of being one of HYDRA's experiment toys. He could also grab a knife out the sink, but she was just an innocent woman who was defending herself from a stranger that walked into her home.

He didn't want to kill anymore.

Amelia watched him as he raised his hand's slightly in defeat, and raised her knife up further, "Answer the question."

He knew what he wanted but he didn't know how to explain it. He considered knocking her unconscious, then finding what he needed and then leave. However, he didn't even know his own strength, and he certainly didn't want to hurt anyone innocent again if he could help it. He had been used and played for years, decades, centuries. He wanted to live by his own rules, but he needed time to clear his head and figure out what those rules would be.

"I need help." He finally spoke, his voice low and impetuous. She furrowed her brows, and gave him the shortest of shrugs but kept her tone urgent and firm.

"Help on what?"

He really needed to get the bullet that was burrowed into his skin out. He didn't have time for questions and answers, so he decided to go with his plan.

Amelia stared at the man, knowing that he would be unpredictable. He quickly stepped forward and swung his arm around as fast as he could, hoping that when it hit her the impact of his punch would knock her out cold for a few hours. He was use to HYDRA's enemies dying at his feet as he did their dirty work. He knew he was a great fighter, but what he didn't expect was for Amelia to duck at his sudden movement. As soon as his arm swung around, she stood back and and elbowed him in the face, the impact hard enough for make his bottom lip split and bleed.

He wipes the blood from his mouth, and stared at her in disbelief. He definitely misjudged her.

He leaped forward and threw another punch, to which she blocks, but then he swings his other arm and manages to hit her face. She feels pain shoot up to her skull, then looks down just as she witnesses him knee her in her stomach.

She groaned and fell to the floor in pain, grabbing her stomach as she waited for it to leave her body. Then she realised; she could use this as an advantage. Taking a couple deep breaths, she tried to relax her body as much as she could to show that she was unconscious. She began to pretend to be defeated.

Satisfied, Bucky wiped the blood from his mouth again, and walked back over to her cupboards. She peeks her one eye open, and whilst choosing a good opetunity she slowly began to rise as his back was facing her. She didn't wait any longer, her patience was wearing thin. All she wanted was a good night sleep.

She grabbed the back of his head and smacked it against the cupboard he was facing. His hands reach up to his face as a natural reflex to hold his nose that hurt the most from the impact, before she flipped him over so his face was facing hers and she pinned him against the wall, her knife only a centimetre away from his neck.

She was shocked. She definitely wasn't capable of this kind of strength. But the adrenaline was racing through her body and those kick boxing techniques shined through her distorted memory, she made herself proud through all the fear that she thought would hold her back.

"Are you seriously going to make me ask again?!" She inquired, gritting her teeth in anger. He doesn't react, he just meets her eyes and stares at with with a mixture of surprise and frustration. He didn't know why she couldn't just give up. Do people really have a problem with you entering their home unannounced? He just wanted her to leave him to his own business.

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