Chapter eighteen - Car rides.

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The next day Amelia, Bucky and Evan were up bright and early. They quickly got dressed, and Evan quickly filled up his rucksack with extra food for the trip and some clothes for himself. They gave Alaska to Evans next door neighbor, who was an elderly woman who gladly decided to look after her. Amelia was going to miss her and was getting rather emotional when saying goodbye to Alaska, but she knew she would be safer here.

And then they left.

Amelia got into the drivers seat of Evan's car, Bucky got in shotgun and Evan sat at the back, not really impressed that he couldn't sit in the front of his own car. Amelia wasn't sure what kind of car it was but she didn't really care, so she didn't bother asking. She thought it was a Renault Megane convertible, but she wasn't sure. She wasn't an expert.

"You have AC/DC?" Amelia questioned as the car started. 

"Yeah, you left your album in the draw when you last stayed here."

Amelia pulled down the draw that was in from of Bucky's chair and sure enough, her AC/DC album was there. She grinned and took it out, carefully putting it into the CD player.

"So, where we going?" Evan asked, popping his head through the gap of the two chairs so he could clearly see Bucky and Amelia.

"An HYDRA building." Bucky simply answered.

"But surely SHIELD have already checked there?"

"They'res tones of HYDRA buildings. They have a secret building somewhere where they keep hostages, I remember going there once or twice."

"See, your memories will come back to you." Amelia smiles, "One piece at a time."

But truthfully, Bucky was scared to remember his past. The one that HYDRA had hidden from him. He was worried to know what kind of monstrous things he had done for them.

He wasn't just some lost puppy. He can take care of himself, even if he didn't have memories. He didn't really need Amelia, but he needed medical help and she offered him a place to stay- but if that wasn't the case he would've found another way to hide from HYDRA. 

He was manipulated to be a predator. He is strong enough, swift enough to take down prey. He is intuitive enough to find who or what he wants. Even before The Soldier, Bucky was smart as a whip and could hold his own in a fight. But now? Now he is the perfect weapon, whether or not he wishes to be.

He adapts, he fights, he wins. 

And he will fight to get Steve back.

After a while of driving Amelia finally found her way onto the motorway. She wasn't entirely sure where she was heading, and Bucky couldn't remember as great as he wanted too, but they would find their way eventually.  

'You Shook Me All Night Long' by AC/DC started to play and Amelia grinned, tapping her foot to the beat excitably. Evan groaned.

"Can we listen to another album now? Fall Out Boy, The Beatles, maybe even Arctic Monkeys?"

"Driver picks the music, back seat shuts his cake hole."

"It's my car!" Evan explains. Bucky can't help but to look out the window and chuckle at the pair.

"And you're still sitting in the back seat."

"Oh shut up, four eyes."

"Oi!" Amelia defended, letting out a laugh. She didn't wear glasses but the sun was shining bright through the car so she decided to wear Evans Rayban shades. Her hair blew back slightly in the pony tail it was in as the roof had been rolled down.

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