Chapter twenty - Trains.

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Again, Amelia and Bucky mentioned nothing of the kiss. For the rest of the night they chatted and watched some repetitious TV peacefully. 

When they woke up the next morning they left in case any of HYDRA's men found them again. They came across a couple walking their pet poodle, and asked them if they knew directions to the building they were after. Bucky gave them the details, explaining that the building was pretty hard to miss if you saw it. They told him that they recalled seeing it once, but it was when they were going to see family members that lived near the area.

"The building is in the center of a massive shopping center, right?" They asked, and Bucky wasn't sure on the answer, but he knew that it was placed in a busy area so people didn't know they were in there. It was a 'casual' disguise. 

"Yeah." Bucky said.

"You're quite far from there, my friend," The man chuckled, "It's in Long Island. You probably might want to catch a train if you're heading there. It's quicker, takes about an hour."

"You're sure that this exact building is there?" Evan asked, wanting to know for sure. His girlfriend smiled back at Evan.

"Unless you got a picture of the place to show us, then no, we're not sure. But from what you described it looked like a building we saw in Long Island when I went to go see my Aunt."

"Okay then, thank you very much!" Evan grinned. putting the sun glasses that Amelia was previously wearing back on. The couple told them that it wasn't a problem before their poodle expeditiously dragged them away. Amelia then started the car again and began driving towards the nearest train station while Evan enumerated the cash he had in his wallet. 

Twenty minutes later Amelia was parking Evans car on the nearest car park. Amelia unbuckled her seat belt and tidied her messy hair, "I'm just going to buy a parking ticket, back in a jiff."

"You need to buy the ticket that lets us stay parked here for a week so we don't get fined or get my car towed away."

"Will this mission even end in a week?" Bucky inquired, looking at Evan. He sighed.

"Well I don't think we'll be there a month."

"So am I buying a ticket that lasts a month or for a week?"

"Two weeks?"


Bucky watched her as she walked off to buy the tickets. He glanced over at Evan silently, the whole ticket thing confused him, but asking Evan to explain it would either help him or confuse him even more, so he just dropped it and kept quiet.

Amelia soon returned with a two weeks ticket and stuck it on the front window from the inside of the car. The ticket was to let people know that they payed to have the car parked here for two weeks so they won't be fined. After they went through the parking ticket progress they all got out the car, Amelia locking it, then started to head towards the train station. Evan brought them all a train ticket to Long Island, and then they waited patiently for the train to arrive.

The train stop was quite packed, so Evan, Amelia and Bucky had to stand for about ten minutes for the train to come. Some little girl, about six or seven years old, was running around with her younger brother, who looked about four, and were playing tag. Their laughter could be heard throughout the crowded train station. Evan shoved his hands into his pockets in boredom while Amelia talked to them both about a strange experience she once had at Burger King.

The young girl who was playing tag looked around to see her brother who was chasing her. Without looking, she crashed into Bucky, causing her to nearly bounce back off him and onto the floor. He quickly grabbed her, holding her still on her feet so she wouldn't fall. Her brother stopped running immediately and the young girl stopped laughing, looking up at Bucky nervously.

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