Chapter fourteen - Awkward.

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Since the night when Amelia and Bucky played video games, Bucky had been training Amelia every afternoon for four days. She would never be as good as him, obviously, but against anyone ordinary (who hadn't had the super serum) she would sure put up a good fight.

Amelia had fallen onto the floor while pushing Bucky away. Bucky turned back around and glanced down at her on her bedroom floor before walking up to her and reaching his arms out to grab her. In defense, she kicked him away by kicking his torso. He stepped back and Amelia stood up quickly, standing in the right standing position and waiting for Bucky to attack her again.

"Not bad," Bucky comments, walking up to her. She swings her fist at him and hits his shoulder, then decides to swing her other fist at him to hit his face, but he catches her fist in his hand, then swings her around and flips her over his shoulder. He then chucks her onto the floor- but not to forcefully, not wanting to actually hurt her, and she pulls him down towards her, not wanting to give in. Amelia sighs in defeat as Bucky pins her wrists down to the floor instead and his body blocked any movement from her legs. Bucky smirked, "But not good enough to beat me."

Amelia didn't know what to say. Of course she didn't beat him, could anyone ever beat this guy? She stops struggling and relaxes under his grip. Her cheek's were hot and her and Bucky were both equally sweating slightly. She tried to catch her breath from their recent fight and looks up into Bucky's eyes.

Her heart stopped beating and her breathing paused as she realised that he was still towering over her- topless.

She couldn't even blush, she just looked into his beautiful blue eyes, and he looked into hers. Why wasn't he moving? She thought. If he doesn't move now I won't be able to stop myself from kissing him. Frickin' idiot, just move!

But Bucky couldn't. He wanted to, so badly. But he just couldn't find himself to move. He knew it would in inappropriate, and above all, he shouldn't even be making any kind of relationships. But he just couldn't move.

He stared into her soft, blue eyes. Her breathing had calmed and although Bucky had just beat the shit out of her, she still looked beautiful. Damn you and your adorable face and your beautiful body and your kind and funny personality. Damn you, Amelia.

At this moment he didn't care anymore. He knew what he wanted to do, and he was going to do it. He didn't even hesitate. He closed his eyes, leaned down and connected his lips on hers.

And he was pretty sure he hadn't kissed anyone in a long while, but it felt amazing. Straight after his lips touched hers, her eyes closed and her soft lips moved against his. His bionic arm moved from Amelia's wrist and cupped her cheek gently, and she brought her hands up and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him closer.

Bucky's thoughts were everywhere. For instance, he thought, WHY THE HELL DIDN'T I DO THIS AGES AGO?!

But then he remembered why. He remembered why he couldn't stay here for long or why he couldn't make friends or why he couldn't kiss Amelia.

Because if HYDRA found him, they wouldn't even hesitate to hurt anyone he cared for if it meant that they would get their assassin back.

As much as he was enjoying it, he pulled away. He looked down towards their bodies as they pressed together, and Amelia opened her eyes. She didn't even know what to say, or how to feel. She was shocked, happy, confused.

"Uh," Bucky was lost for words. He decided to sit up and get off Amelia, finally freeing her and allowing her to stand. She stayed on the floor for a good couple more seconds before slowly standing. She fiddled with her fingers awkwardly and Bucky scratched the back of his head.

"That was, um," Amelia paused, obviously oblivious on what to say too. She glanced over to the corner of the room where Bucky kept his old uniform tucked away under a chair, "Do you want that still? Or can I chuck it away, because the bin men come tomorrow morning."

Bucky was well aware she was trying to change the subject, but he didn't blame her. He walked over to the corner of the room and grabbed his old uniform, "I don't want to be seen wearing it again."

"Okay then," Amelia mumbled, following him and taking the uniform out of his hands. A little box fell from one of the pockets and onto the floor. It looked old and it had various buttons on and a switch. Amelia raised her brow, leaned down and picked it up, then glanced at Bucky. "What's this?"

"Uh, it's, um," Bucky tries to remember, but he couldn't remember having it on him at the time. He assumed he once knew what it was, but HYDRA had probably wiped his memory and didn't tell him about it again, "I think it's one of those things where my commander officer would talk through it and give me my orders," He picked up the box from Amelia, and flicked the switch three times, leaving it on. Nothing flashed, and nothing could be heard. Nothing. "It doesn't work now though, it most likely got wrecked in the water."


"Didn't I tell you that part?" He was sure he did. Amelia gave him a short shrug.

"The part where you saved Steve?"


"Then you did." She stated, then grabbed the box off Bucky before leaving and taking his old uniform downstairs, ready to put it in a black bag. Bucky stood there, not sure if he should follow her down or give her some time. Instead, he moved the bed back to where it should be and put on a grey top that Amelia had brought him when they went shopping. Alaska was on the bed the whole time, watching the two train. Alaska glanced up at Bucky and stared at him with wide eyes.

"What?" He mumbled awkwardly, as if the cat was judging him for not saying anything, or for just being too awkward.

He heard Amelia walk into the bathroom, and soon enough she turned on the shower. He would shower after her, but until then, he walked back downstairs and turned the TV on, leaving it on another nature documentary.

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