CHAPTER 17: Is This For Real?

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I seemed to have been able to recover pretty rapidly and was able to get back to work the following week.

Now it has been a couple of weeks since I have last seen Nolton and I heard he had left for a meeting to another state and was returning in a little while.

I am not sure as to why but I kind of missed him. Ever since he helped take care of me that one day, I just couldn't help but think about it and how nice it was to hang out.

Tonight, Brett, Marlie and I along with Jackie and some girls from the shop as well as some of Brett's and Nolton's guys were all going out to celebrate Marlie and her new job she got online.

She has finally gotten approved for a loan to start up her own online business and has even asked me to help her out for some extra money. She wanted to celebrate and tonight we were playing pool at our favorite bar and it was a good night also because there were going to be great food trucks right outside.

After Marlie and I had gotten ready, we headed over to Brett's and Nolton's place to have them take us. I swear, sometimes I think there are guys, like the ones who live here that take longer to get ready than women.

While waiting, for some of them to finish getting dressed, I heard a door from upstairs close and then when I looked up at the top of the stairs, I noticed it was Nolton coming down already dressed.

I was surprised because I thought he wasn't going to be back from his trip for a few days. The hell with it, it doesn't matter, he's here and apparently is coming with us, so I try and fix myself a little bit without him or anybody noticing.

He looks at me and smiles when walking up towards me, looking me up and down. Then the smile fades a little.

"You look.....good." He tells me making me feel confused and mixed about what he means. Is he being a jerk or should I take that as a real actual compliment? Was he upset?

"Thanks." I replied accepting it as a compliment as I was not entirely sure what the sourness towards me was for.

"It's gonna be cold tonight. You should have brought a jacket." He tells me.

"Well I'm hot blooded so, I think I'll be fine." I replied annoyed and then turned to talk with Marlie.

I don't know what his deal was but I wasn't going to let that stop me from having fun tonight. What is with this guy? He is hot then cold. In fact, if I didn't know any better, I would say he sounded like maybe he was jealous and worried a bit that a guy would look at me.

We all got into a couple of cars then took off towards the bar.

Once inside, Brett grabbed us the only pool table left opened and grabbed the chairs and couple of tables there also, before anybody else took them while the guys went up towards the bar with Marlie and me to order some drinks and have them be delivered to our table.

Throughout the next couple of hours, we all played a couple rounds of pool, danced, went to grab a bite to eat, drank and had fun like always.

I noticed that from the few girls that hit on Nolton tonight though, he seemed to not give them much attention and seemed to be eyeing me mostly.

I got a little nervous a few times and distracted enough to where I wasn't able to win at pool. Not that I am great at playing it anyways, but he seemed to be distracting me with eyeing me the way he did.

He eyes me up and down as though he wants to take me right here and now on this pool table and there's a part of me that wants him to do it too.

Then finally, we suddenly locked eyes and I felt like everything around us became blurry. I know I know, that is cliche but, it really happened. The next thing I knew, he was standing in front of me and asked me to dance.

Was this really happening? Did he really just ask me to dance?

"Okay." I smiled in reply and set my beer down before he took my hand with his and lead me out onto the dancefloor.

Right away our bodies seemed to take with one another and we began to dance against each other's bodies. I got so into it that I even turned around and backed up into him as he places his hands on my hips while I moved them side to side and next felt his breath on the side of my neck.

I wanted to moan so bad with his hands rubbing up and down my sides and my head leaned back onto his shoulder.

"I want you." He said into my ear.

At least that's what I think I heard him say to me. I can barely hear him over the loud music and to make sure I heard correctly, I turned around and looked at him.

Was it the alcohol talking or did he really say what he just did? Even the look in his eyes I am not sure if I am reading these signs correctly.

Then I feel both his hands hold my face and he leans in to kiss me.

Please let this be real. Please let this be real and not a dream. Don't let him regret this.

That's when I feel his soft lips suddenly touch mine and we end up standing there on the dancefloor being the only ones who are not dancing, yet we don't care. We just continue standing there kissing in what feels like as a passionate one at that.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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